The 12 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism - Rules our Fitness


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Monday 11 January 2021

The 12 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

 The 12 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

Some foods can boost your metabolism.

The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn, and the easier it is to maintain your weight or get rid of unwanted body fat.

The 12 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
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Here are 12 foods that check your metabolism that can help you lose weight.

1. Foods rich in protein

Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, lemons, nuts, and seeds, can help speed up your metabolism for a few hours.

They do this through the need to use more energy to digest your body.

This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). TEF refers to the number of calories your body needs to digest, absorb, and process the nutrients in your food.

Studies have shown that foods high in protein are the ones that increase the FET the most. For example, they increase your metabolism rate by 5-10% for carbohydrates and 15-30% compared to 0-3% for fats.

Protein-rich diets help your body maintain muscle mass by reducing the metabolic drops often seen during weight loss.

Plus, protein helps keep you full longer, which can prevent you from overeating.


Protein-rich foods can boost your metabolism, maintain muscle mass, and protect you from overwork.

2. Foods rich in iron, zinc, and selenium

Iron, zinc, and selenium each play a different but equally important role in the proper functioning of your body.

However, they have one thing in common: all three are necessary for the proper functioning of your thyroid gland, which regulates your metabolism.

Studies show that low levels of iron, zinc, or selenium can cause the thyroid gland to lose enough hormones. It can slow down your metabolism.

Include foods rich in zinc, selenium, and iron-like meats, seafood, lemons, nuts, and seeds in your daily menu to help your thyroid function optimally.


Foods rich in iron, zinc, and selenium promote proper thyroid function, which helps maintain a healthy metabolism.

3. Chili peppers

Capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers, can stimulate your metabolism by increasing the burning of calories and fat.

In fact, a review of 20 research reports reported that capsaicin helps your body burn an additional 50 calories per day.

This effect was seen after taking 135-150 mg of capsaicin per day, but some studies have reported similar benefits at doses as high as 9-10 mg per day.

Additionally, capsaicin may have appetite-reducing properties.

A recent study found that taking 2 mg of capsaicin directly before each meal appeared to reduce the amount of calories consumed, especially from carbohydrates.

He states that not all studies agree on capsaicin metabolism.


A mixture found in green chili peppers can slightly increase capsaicin metabolism and fat oxidation.

4. Coffee

Studies have shown that the caffeine found in coffee helps increase metabolism by up to 11%.

In fact, six separate studies have shown that people consume at least 270 milligrams of caffeine a day or the equivalent of about three cups of coffee and burn an additional 100 calories a day.

Additionally, caffeine also helps your body burn fat for energy and appears to be particularly effective in increasing your workout performance.

However, its effects vary from person to person based on individual characteristics, such as body weight and age.


The caffeine found in coffee can help increase your calorie intake and reduce the fat burned in your body. However, the effects can vary.

5. Tea

According to research, the combination of caffeine and catechins found in tea may work to boost your metabolism.

In particular, both green and oolong tea can increase metabolism by 4-10%. This can add up to burning an additional 100 calories per day.

Additionally, oolong and green tea can help your body use stored fat more effectively for energy and increase its ability to burn fat by up to 17%.

However, as is the case with coffee, its effects can vary from person to person.


The combination of caffeine and catechins found in tea can help your body burn a few more calories and fat every day.

6. Legum and lignum

Lemons and horns, such as lentils, pulses, lentils, beans, and peanuts, are high in protein compared to other plant foods

Studies suggest that its high protein content requires your body to burn more calories to digest than low-protein foods.

Lemons also contain a lot of dietary fiber, such as resistant starch and soluble fiber, which your body can use to feed the good bacteria in your gut.

Instead, these beneficial bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, which help your body use stored fat for energy and maintain normal blood sugar levels.

One study found that people who ate a diet rich in lemons for eight weeks experienced beneficial changes in metabolism and lost 1.5 times more weight than the control group.

Legumes are also rich in arginine, an amino acid that can increase the amount of carbohydrates and fats your body burns for energy.

Additionally, peas, lima beans, and lentils also contain large amounts of the amino acid glutamine, which can help increase the number of calories burned during digestion (50, 51).


Legumes and legumes are rich in protein, fiber, and some amino acids, which are believed to have metabolic-enhancing properties.

7. Spices that stimulate metabolism

Some spices are believed to have particularly beneficial metabolic properties.

For example, research shows that dissolving 2 grams of ginger powder in hot water and drinking it with a meal helps you burn 43 more calories than just drinking hot water.

This hot ginger drink reduces appetite and improves the feeling of fullness.

The grains of heaven, another spice of the ginger family, can have a similar effect.

A recent study reported that participants who received 40 milligrams of heavenly grains burned 43 more calories in the next two hours than those who received placebo.

That being said, the researchers further noted that none of the participants responded, so the effects may vary from person to person.

Similarly, adding red pepper to your diet increases the amount of burns your body burns for your energy, especially after high-fat meals. However, this fat-burning effect can only be applied to those who are not accustomed to eating spicy foods.


Ginger, celery, and red chilies can help your body burn more calories or fat. However, the effects may vary from individual to individual.

8. Cocoa

Cocoa and cocoa are delicious treats that can also benefit your metabolism.

For example, studies in rats have shown that cocoa and cocoa extracts can stimulate the expression of genes that stimulate fat consumption for energy. This seems to be especially true in the case of high fat or calorie in mouse feeding diets.

Interestingly, one study suggested that cocoa may inhibit the action of enzymes needed to break down fats and carbohydrates during digestion.

Theoretically, in doing so, cocoa may play a role in preventing weight gain by reducing the absorption of certain calories.

However, human studies examining the effects of cocoa, cocoa or cocoa products, such as dark chocolate, are rare. Further study is needed before reaching a strong conclusion.

If you want to try cocoa, look for raw versions, as processing reduces the amount of beneficial compounds.


Cocoa may have some metabolic properties, especially for those who eat a high-calorie and high-fat diet.

9. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can speed up your metabolism.

Several animal studies have shown that vinegar is particularly helpful in increasing the amount of fat burned for energy.

One study found that vinegar infused into mice increased AMP enzymes that induced the body to reduce fat storage and increase fat burning.

In another study, obese rats treated with vinegar experienced increased expression of certain genes, leading to decreased liver fat and abdominal fat storage.

Apple cider vinegar is often claimed to increase metabolism in humans, but some studies have directly investigated the problem.

Still, apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight in other ways, such as emptying your stomach and increasing feelings of fullness.

Even one human study found that participants were given four teaspoons (20 ml) of apple cider vinegar, taking in 275 fewer calories for the rest of the day.

If you want to try apple cider vinegar, be careful to limit your daily intake to two tablespoons (30 ml).

Also, be sure to read this article to reduce the risk of negative side effects.


More studies are needed to confirm the metabolic properties of apple cider vinegar in humans. That said, it can help you lose weight in other ways.

10. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is gaining popularity.

This may be partly because coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). This is in contrast to most types of fats, which typically contain large amounts of long-chain fatty acids.

Unlike long-chain fats, MCTs are converted to energy directly in the liver once absorbed. This makes them less likely to be stored as fat.

Interestingly, several studies have shown that MCTs can increase metabolism more than long-chain fats.

Furthermore, researchers have reported that the daily intake of 30 ml of coconut oil can successfully reduce waist size in obese people.


Replacing other fats with a small amount of coconut oil can speed up your metabolism and help your body shed belly fat.

11. Water

Drinking enough water is a great way to stay hydrated.

Additionally, it appears that drinking water can temporarily increase metabolism by 24-30%.

The researchers note that this increase is explained by the additional calories required to heat the water to approximately 40% of body temperature.

However, the effects last only 60-90 minutes after drinking and can vary from person to person.


Drinking water can temporarily increase your metabolism. However, the effects are temporary and can vary from person to person.

12. Ante

Chamois is a great source of iodine, a mineral necessary to produce thyroid hormone and the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid hormone has several functions, one of which is to control your metabolic rate.

Regular intake of sea wind can help you meet your iodine needs and keep your metabolism at a high rate.

The daily reference intake of iodine for adults can be supplemented by serving various marine organics at 150 mcg per day per week.

However, some types of algae, such as seaweed, are extremely rich in iodine and should not be consumed in large quantities.

Fucoxanthin is another compound found in some varieties of seaweed that can help with metabolism.

It is mainly found in varieties of brown seaweed and may have anti-obesity effects by increasing the amount of calories you burn.


Some compounds in the sea wind can help slow down your metabolism.


Some foods can help speed up your metabolism a bit. Therefore, taking them regularly can help you lose weight and keep it off in the long run.

But food is not the only way to boost your metabolism. Check out this article for additional ways to help your body burn more calories each day.

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