Keto Weight Loss: What to Expect After 1 Week - Rules our Fitness


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Thursday 27 May 2021

Keto Weight Loss: What to Expect After 1 Week


How Much Weight Can You Expect to Lose After 1 Week on Keto?

Although the low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet was originally designed to treat epilepsy, many people use it for weight loss.

According to some studies, it facilitates the burning of body fat in your diet, maintains your metabolic rate (the calories you burn at rest), and provides several benefits over other diets, including feeling fuller with fewer calories.

With that said, you can think about how much weight you can lose in your first week on Keto. Many people report extreme weight loss when they first start the diet. However, most of it can be attributed to water loss.

Keto Weight Loss: What to Expect After 1 Week
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This article reviews how much weight you can lose in your first week of keto.

Ketosis is Entering

On Keto, you strictly limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat, generally 50 grams or less per gram per day or 25 grams or less of net carbs per day, which is total carbs minus fiber.

For most people, carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. When you limit carbohydrates, your body burns muscle and liver carbohydrate stores, called glycogen, usually within a few days.

After that, your body switches to a metabolic site called ketosis, where it uses ketones isolated from dietary fat or body fat as its primary fuel source.

This switch, burning off your glycogen stores and switching to ketones, usually takes less than a week. However, for some people, it may take longer.

Many people notice dramatic weight loss during this transition period after starting the Keto diet, but most of it is due to changes in water weight.


When you limit carbohydrates to keto, your body burns faster through glycogen, the carbohydrates stored in your liver and muscles. Once your glycogen stores are depleted, you transfer them to fat burning. Many people notice dramatic weight loss during this infection.

The initial weight loss is the weight of the water.

The glycogen stored in the muscles and the liver is bound to water, generally in a ratio of 3 grams of water for every gram of glycogen.

This water is excreted in your urine or sweat when you burn with these stored carbohydrates.

For example, after you start the Keto diet, you may notice that you need to urinate more often and feel much more thirsty than usual. You may also notice a large-scale weight loss, which is primarily water weight loss.

This weight loss can vary depending on your size and the amount of water you carry. Legend has it that people reported losses in the first week between 1 pound (0.5 kg) and 10 or more pounds (5 kg).

As you get older, you may start to lose weight after starting Keto. However, much of the initial potential weight loss is unlikely to be fat loss.

However, it is much easier to use your own stored fat for energy once you have entered ketosis because the ketogenic diet can be beneficial for weight loss.


When you burn glycogen, your body releases water attached to it. Most of your initial weight loss is likely due to this loss of water. However, once you are fully into ketosis, you will burn more stored body fat.

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