15 Health Conditions That May Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet - Rules our Fitness


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Wednesday 3 February 2021

15 Health Conditions That May Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet

 15 Health Conditions That May Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has become incredibly popular.

Preliminary research suggests that this high-fat, very low-carbohydrate diet may be beneficial for a number of health conditions.

Although some evidence comes from case studies and animal studies, the results of controlled human studies are also promising.

15 Health Conditions That May Benefit From a Ketogenic Diet
This image source by pexels.com

Here are 15 health conditions that can benefit from a ketogenic diet.

1. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a disease that causes convulsions due to excessive brain activity.

Anti-seizure drugs are effective for some people with epilepsy. Others, however, do not respond to medications or tolerate their side effects.

Of all the conditions that can benefit from a ketogenic diet, there is the most evidence for epilepsy. In fact, there are several dozen studies on the subject.

Studies have shown that about 50% of epilepsy patients who follow a classic ketogenic diet usually develop convulsions. It is also known as the 4: 1 ketogenic diet because it provides 4 times more fat than a combination of protein and sugar.

The Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) is based on a 1: 1 ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It has been shown to be equally effective in controlling seizures in most adults and children over the age of two.

The ketogenic diet may also have benefits for the brain beyond seizure control.

For example, when researchers examined the brain activity of children with epilepsy, they found a 655% improvement in various types of brain in the ketogenic diet, regardless of whether they had fewer seizures.


Ketogenic diets have been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in many children and adults with epilepsy who do not respond well to drug therapy.

2. Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, sometimes known as predisposition, is characterized by insulin resistance.

If you meet 3 of these criteria, you may be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome:

Large waist: 35 inches (89 cm) or more in females and 40 inches (102 cm) or more in males

Elevated triglyceride: 150 mg / dL (1.7 mmol / L) or more.

Low HDL Cholesterol: Less than 40 mg / dL (1.04 mmol / L) in men and less than 50 mg / dL (1.3 mmol / L) in women.

High blood pressure: 130/85 mm Hg or more.

High Beneficial Blood Sugar: 100 mg / dL (5.6 mmol / L) or more.

People with metabolic syndrome have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and other serious disorders related to insulin resistance.

Fortunately, following a ketogenic diet can improve many of the features of metabolic syndrome. Improvements may include better cholesterol levels, as well as lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

In a 12-week controlled study, people with metabolic syndrome who followed a calorie-controlled ketogenic diet lost 14% body fat. They have reduced triglycerides by more than 50% and have experienced several further improvements in health markers.


In people with metabolic syndrome, the ketogenic diet can lower abdominal obesity, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

3. Glycogen storage disease

Glycogen storage disease (GSD) sufferers lack an enzyme involved in storing glucose (blood sugar) as glycogen or breaking down glucose into glycogen. There are different types of GSD based on the missing enzyme.

Typically, this disease is detected in childhood. Symptoms vary depending on the type of GSD and may include poor growth, fatigue, low blood sugar, muscle blockage, and a large liver.

GSD patients are often advised to take carbohydrate-rich foods at frequent breaks so that the body always has glucose available.

However, preliminary research suggests that a ketogenic diet may benefit people with some GSD.

For example, GSD III, also known as Forbes-Corey disease, affects the liver and muscles. Ketogenic diets can be used as an alternative fuel source to help reduce symptoms by providing ketones.

GSD V, also known as MacArthur disease, affects the muscles and is characterized by a limited ability to exercise.

In one case, the man with GSD V followed a ketogenic diet for a year. Depending on the level of hard work required, he dramatically increased the stamina of the practice 3 to 10 times.

However, controlled studies are needed to confirm the potential benefits of ketogenic diet therapy in people with glycogen storage disorders.


People with certain types of glycogen storage diseases can experience a dramatic improvement in symptoms while on a ketogenic diet. However, more research is needed.

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disease characterized by hormonal dysfunction that often leads to irregular periods and infertility.

One of its characteristics is insulin resistance, and many women with polycystic ovary syndrome are obese and have difficulty losing weight. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are also at risk for type 2 diabetes.

The symptoms of those who meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome affect their appearance. Effects can include facial hair, acne, and other masculinity symptoms related to high testosterone levels.

A lot of anecdotal evidence can be found online. However, only a few published studies confirm the benefits of ketogenic and low-carb diets for PCOS.

Eleven women with PCOS who followed a ketogenic diet lost 12% of their weight on average in a 6-month study. Fasting insulin was also reduced by 54% and reproductive hormone levels improved. Two women who were victims of infertility became pregnant.


Women with PCOS can experience weight loss, reduced insulin levels, and better reproductive hormone function when following a ketogenic diet.

5. Diabetes

People with diabetes often experience dramatic reductions in blood sugar levels on a ketogenic diet. This is true for both type 1 and types 2 diabetes.

In fact, dozens of controlled studies show that a very low-carb diet can help control blood sugar and provide other health benefits.

In a 16-week study, 17 out of 21 people on a ketogenic diet were able to stop or reduce their levels of diabetes medication. Study participants also lost an average of 19 pounds (8.7 kg) and reduced waist size, triglycerides, and blood pressure.

In a 3-month study that compared a ketogenic diet to a moderate carbohydrate diet, people in the ketogenic group had an average 0.6% reduction in HbA1c. 12% of the participants reached an HbA1c below 5.7%, which is considered normal.


Ketogenic diets have been shown to lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. In some cases, the values ​​return to normal and medications can be stopped or reduced.

6. Some Cancers

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

In recent years, scientific research has suggested that ketogenic diets can help some types of cancer when used in addition to traditional therapeutic treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Many researchers have noted that improved blood sugar, obesity, and type 2 diabetes are associated with breast and other cancers. They suggest that limiting carbohydrates to lower blood sugar and insulin levels can prevent tumor growth.

Mouse studies have shown that ketogenic diets can slow the progression of a variety of cancers, including those that have spread to other parts of the body.

However, some experts believe that the ketogenic diet may be particularly beneficial for brain cancer.

Case studies and patient data analyzes have improved a variety of brain cancers, including the most common and invasive form of brain cancer: glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).

One study found that GB GBM patients had a moderate response to calorie ketogenic diets not controlled with anticancer drugs. Researchers have noted that the diet is safe, but perhaps the only use is limited.

Some researchers have reported that cancer patients who follow a ketogenic diet in combination with radiation or other cancer therapies retain muscle mass and accelerate tumor growth.

Although it is advanced and may not have a significant impact on disease progression in terminal cancer, the ketogenic diet has proven to be safe in these patients and has potentially improved quality of life.

Randomized clinical trials should examine how ketogenic diets affect cancer patients. Several are currently in process or in the process of being recruited.


Research in animals and humans suggests that ketogenic diets, when combined with other treatments, may benefit people with certain cancers.

7. Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a condition characterized by problems with communication, social interaction, and in some cases repetitive behaviors. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, it is treated with speech therapy and other therapies.

Preliminary research in young rats and mice suggests that ketogenic diets may be helpful in improving ASD behavior patterns.

Autism shares some features with epilepsy and many people with autism experience seizures related to excessive contraction of brain cells.

Studies show that the ketogenic diet reduces excessive stress on brain cells in mouse models with autism. What's more, regardless of confiscation activities, they will benefit from the conduct.

A pilot study of 30 children with autism found a slight improvement in 18 symptoms after following a cyclical ketogenic diet for 6 years.

In a case study, a girl with autism who followed a gluten-free and milk-free ketogenic diet for several years made dramatic improvements. These include resolving obesity and a 70-point increase in IQ.

Randomized controlled studies exploring the effects of ketogenic diets on patients with ASD are now underway or in the process of recruitment.


Preliminary research has shown that some people with autism spectrum disorder may experience improvement in behavior if the cationic diet is used in combination with other treatments.

8. Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a disorder of the nervous system characterized by low levels of the signal molecule dopamine.

Dopamine deficiency causes various symptoms such as tremors, impaired posture, immobility, and difficulty in walking and writing.

It is being explored as a potential add-on therapy for PD due to the protective effects of the ketogenic diet on the brain and nervous system.

Feeding rats and rats with PD a ketogenic diet increases energy production protects against nerve damage and improves motor function.

In an uncontrolled study, seven people with PD followed the classic 4: 1 ketogenic diet 4 weeks later, five of them improved 43% in average symptoms.

The effects of ketogenic diets on PD are another area that needs controlled study.


Ketogenic diets have been shown to improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease in both animal and human studies. However, high-quality research is required.

9. Obesity

Many studies have shown that ketogenic and very low-carb diets are generally more effective than calorie-restricted or low-fat diets for weight loss.

In addition, they usually provide other health enhancements as well.

In a 24-week study, men following a ketogenic diet lost twice as much fat as men following a low-fat diet.

Moreover, triglycerides of the ketogenic group decreased significantly and their HDL ("good") cholesterol increased. The low-fat group had a decrease in triglycerides and a decrease in HDL cholesterol.

The ability of ketogenic diets to reduce appetite is that they work so well for weight loss.

A comprehensive analysis has shown that very low-carbohydrate, calorie-restricted ketogenic diets help to feel less hungry than standard calorie-controlled diets.

Even when people on a ketogenic diet are allowed to eat as much as they want, they usually end up eating fewer calories due to the appetite-suppressing effects of ketosis.

In a study of obese men who ate a ketogenic diet without a calorie limit or a moderate carbohydrate diet, people in the ketogenic group were significantly less hungry, consumed fewer calories, and lost 31% more weight than the moderate carbohydrate group.


Studies have shown that ketogenic diets are very effective in reducing the weight of obese people. This is mainly due to its strong appetite suppressant effects.

10. GLUT1 deficiency syndrome

Glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) deficiency syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, involves the deficiency of a special protein that helps transfer blood sugar to the brain.

Symptoms usually begin shortly after birth and include developmental delays, difficulty moving, and sometimes seizures.

Unlike glucose, ketones do not require this protein to pass from the blood to the brain. Therefore, the ketogenic diet can provide an alternative fuel source that the brains of these children can use effectively.

In fact, ketogenic diet therapy appears to improve several symptoms of the disorder. The researchers reported a decrease in seizure frequency and an improvement in muscle coordination, alertness, and concentration in children on a ketogenic diet.

As with epilepsy, the modified Atkins diet (MAD) has been shown to provide the same benefits as the classic ketogenic diet. MAD, however, provides more flexibility, which can lead to better compliance and fewer side effects.

In a study of 10 children with GLUT-1 deficiency syndrome, those who followed MAD experienced better seizures. Within six months, 3 out of 6 people stopped having seizures.


Both the classic ketogenic diet and the more flexible MAD have been shown to improve seizures and other symptoms in children with GLUT1 deficiency syndrome.

11. Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is most often caused by a head injury, a car accident, or a fall, which causes the head to fall to the ground.

It can have devastating effects on physical function, memory, and personality. Like cells in other organs, injured brain cells usually recover very little.

Since the body's ability to use sugar has declined after a head injury, some researchers believe that a ketogenic diet may benefit people with TBI.

Studies in rats suggest that starting a ketogenic diet with a brain injury helps reduce brain swelling, increases motor function, and improves recovery. However, these effects are mainly seen in younger rats than in older rats.

He said a controlled study of people is needed before a conclusion can be reached.


Animal studies show that a ketogenic diet improves outcomes for rats by providing a ketogenic diet after traumatic brain injury. However, there is currently no standardized human research on this.

12. Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) damages the protective lining of the nerves, causing communication problems between the brain and the body. Symptoms include numbness and balance, movement, vision, and memory problems.

A study of MS in mouse models found that a ketogenic diet suppressed inflammatory markers. Memory decline leads to improvements in memory, learning, and physical functioning.

Like other nervous system disorders, MS reduces the ability of cells to use sugar as a fuel source. A review from 2015 discussed the potential of a ketogenic diet to help MS patients produce energy and repair cells.

Additionally, a recent controlled study of 48 people with MS found significant improvements in life scores, cholesterol, and triglyceride quality among groups that either followed a ketogenic diet or fasted for several days.

More research is currently underway.


Studies on the possible benefits of ketogenic diets for treating MS are promising. But it is necessary to educate more people.

13. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease in the Western world.

It is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity, and there is evidence that NAFLD also improves with a very low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet.

In a small study, 14 obese men with the pernicious syndrome and NAFLD who followed a ketogenic diet for 12 weeks had significant reductions in weight, blood pressure, and liver enzymes.

What’s more, the influential 93% of men had reduced liver fat, and 21% achieved full resolution of NAFLD.


Ketogenic diets can be very effective in reducing liver fat and other health markers in people with alcoholic fatty liver disease.

14. Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive form of dementia characterized by plaque and debris in the brain that impairs memory.

Interestingly, Alzheimer's disease seems to share the characteristics of both epilepsy and type 2 diabetes: seizures, inflammation related to the brain's inability to use glucose properly, and insulin resistance.

Animal studies show that a ketogenic diet improves balance and coordination, but does not affect the amyloid plaque which is characteristic of this disease. However, supplementation with ketone esters reduces amyloid plaque.

Additionally, supplementing the human diet with ketone ester or MCT oil to increase ketone levels has been shown to improve various symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

For example, a controlled study followed 152 people with Alzheimer's disease who took an MCT compound. After 45 and 90 days, this group showed improvement in mental function, while the effectiveness of the placebo group decreased.

Regulated studies examining the altered Atkins diet and MCT oil in people with Alzheimer's disease are currently in process or in the recruitment phase.


Animal studies have shown that several symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are improved with a ketogenic diet. Human studies suggest that supplementation with MCT oils or ketone esters may be beneficial.

15. Migraine headaches

Migraines often include severe pain, sensitivity to light, and nausea.

Some research suggests that migraine headache symptoms often improve in individuals on a ketogenic diet.

An observational study reported a decrease in the frequency of migraines and a reduction in pain relief used in individuals following a ketogenic diet for one month.

An interesting case study of two sisters on a cyclical ketogenic diet for weight loss reported that their migraine headaches disappeared during the 4-week ketogenic cycle, but returned during the 8-week conversion diet cycle.

However, high-quality studies are needed to confirm the results of this report.


Some studies suggest that the frequency and severity of migraines may improve in individuals on a ketogenic diet.


Ketogenic diets are being considered for a variety of disorders due to their beneficial effects on metabolic health and the nervous system.

However, many of these impressive results come from case studies and require validation through high-quality research, including randomized controlled trials.

In the case of cancer and several other serious diseases on this list, a ketogenic diet should be followed in addition to standard therapies under the supervision of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Also, do not consider a ketogenic diet to cure any disease or disorder on your own.

However, the potential for a ketogenic diet to improve health is very promising.

Article source healthline.com

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