35 Simple Ways to Cut Lots of Calories - Rules our Fitness


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Monday 15 February 2021

35 Simple Ways to Cut Lots of Calories

 35 Simple Ways to Cut Lots of Calories

To lose weight you need to eat fewer calories than you burn.

However, reducing the amount of food you eat can be difficult for a long time.

Here are 35 easy but highly effective ways to cut calories and lose weight.

35 Simple Ways to Cut Lots of Calories

This image source by pexels.com

1. Count your calories

One way to make sure you don't eat too many calories is to count them.

In the past, tracking calories was time-dependent. However, modern apps have made it faster and easier than ever to track your eating habits.

Some inspirations also provide tips for daily living to help you stay motivated. It can be more helpful than just recording your eating because it can help you form healthy habits in the long run.

2. Use less sauce

Adding ketchup or mayonnaise to your diet can add more calories than you think. In fact, just 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of mayonnaise adds an extra 57 calories to your diet.

If you use a lot of sauce, try to eat a little less to reduce the number of calories you eat or do not use at all.

3. Don't drink your calories

Drinks can be a forgotten source of calories in your diet.

Sugar-sweetened drinks such as soda are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes

A single 16 ounce (475 ml) Coca Cola bottle contains about 200 calories and 44 grams of sugar.

A study suggests that drinking plenty of sugar-sweetened drinks does not add a lot of unnecessary calories to your diet, but can also increase your appetite later.

You may also want to cut down on sugary and high-calorie drinks. These include alcohol, some commercially produced coffee drinks, and sugar-sweetened fruit juices and smoothies.

4. Do not add sugar to tea and coffee

Tea and coffee are healthy, low-calorie drinks, but just 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of sugar adds about 16 calories to your drink.

While it may not sound like much, a few cups or glasses of sugar can add calories to sweetened tea.

5. Cook your own food

When you buy food prepared by someone else, you don’t always know what’s in it.

Even foods that you think are healthy or low in calories may contain hidden sugars and fats that increase their calorie intake.

Cooking your own food gives you better control over the number of calories you eat.

6. Do not keep junk food in the house

If you keep junk food within easy reach, it is much easier to eat.

This can be especially troublesome if you want to eat under pressure or boredom.

To stop the urge to eat unhealthy snacks, keep them outdoors.

7. Use small plates

Tonight's dinner plates are on average 44% larger than in the 1980s.

Larger plates are attached to larger portions, which means people are more likely to eat extra.

In fact, one study found that people with large plates at the buffet ate 45% more food than those with smaller plates.

Choosing a small plate is a simple strategy that can keep track of portion sizes and control excess food.

8. Increase your diet with vegetables

Most people do not eat enough vegetables.

In fact, it is estimated that about 87% of people in the United States do not eat the recommended amount.

One great way to increase the amount of vegetables you eat while reducing high-calorie foods is to fill your half plate with vegetables.

9. Drink water before you eat.

Drinking water before meals can help you feel more satisfied, resulting in you eating fewer calories.

For example, one study found that drinking just 2 cups (500 ml) of water before a meal reduced calorie intake by 13%.

It can also help you lose weight.

10. Have a low-calorie starter

Studies show that choosing a low-calorie entree, such as a light soup or salad, can prevent you from overeating.

In fact, one study found that eating soup before a main meal can reduce the total number of calories you eat by 20%.

11. Eat Your Meals Slowly

Taking your time with food and chewing it slowly can help you feel full faster, which can help you eat less.

If you are prone to overeating, try to keep your knife and fork in your mouth or count how many times you have chewed your food.

12. Order a high-calorie dressing on the side

Sometimes even salads, as healthy, low-calorie foods, can be high in domestic calories by mistake.

This is especially true when it comes to salads with hearty high-calorie dressings.

If you like to dress your salad, order the side dish so you can control how much you are using.

13. Look at the size of your piece

People who are exposed to large amounts of food are more likely to overeat.

People face a problem at the buffet to feed you, where it is easier to eat more than you want.

To avoid overeating, you can weigh and measure your portions or use smaller plates as suggested above.

14. Eat without Distrations

Your environment plays a huge role in how much you eat each day.

Studies show that if you get distracted while eating, you are more likely to overeat.

In fact, a recent review found that people who were confused while eating ate 30% more breakfast than those who were aware of their diet.

Unhealthy disorders include watching television, reading books, using your cell phone, or sitting in front of the computer while eating.

15. Don't clean your plate

Most people are conditioned to eat everything in front of them.

However, if you are not hungry, you do not need to eat all the food on your plate.

Instead, try to eat from your heart.

This means paying close attention to what you are doing and how you feel. With this awareness, you can eat until you are full, not until you have cleaned your plate.

16. Eat mini version of candy and confectionery.

Many popular ice cream and chocolate brands come in both small and large versions.

If you want a sweet treat, choosing a smaller version of your favorite dessert can give you the dose you want and lots of calories.

If you're eating out, cut your slice by sharing the treats with a friend.

17. Take half home while you eat.

Restaurants usually serve large portions that contain many more calories than you need in a meeting.

To avoid overeating, ask your server to pack half of your food before serving so you can take it home.

Alternatively, you can share with a friend.

One study found that people who have successfully maintained weight loss often share food or ask for half when they eat.

18. Eating with the non-dominant hand

This may sound a bit uncomfortable, but if you are prone to overeating, eating with your non-dominant hands can be helpful.

This will slow you down so you eat less.

19. Include protein in every meal

Eating more protein is considered a useful weight loss and maintenance tool.

One reason for this is that protein can fill you up more than other nutrients and feeling full can prevent you from overeating.

To get these benefits, try including a high protein diet with most of your meals.

20. Do not touch the bread basket

When you're hungry, it's tempting to arrive on the eve of dinner at a restaurant.

However, this habit can add hundreds of calories to your diet, especially if you are eating pieces of bread and butter.

Return the bread basket to avoid eating too many calories before your main meal arrives.

21. Order two hungry

The parts that are too big are the ones that make people work too hard.

If you eat out and know that a restaurant serves a large portion, you can order two appetizers instead of one appetizer and one main course.

That way, you can enjoy two meals without overdoing it.

22. Make healthy exchanges

One way to burn some calories is to adapt the food you want to eat.

For example, if you're eating a hamburger, removing the bun will save you about 160 calories, probably more if the bun is really big.

Even if you don't have your own open-mouth sandwich on the menu, you can cut some calories from your own sandwich.

What's more, removing French fries or potatoes for extra vegetables will increase the amount of vegetables you eat while reducing calories.

23. Choose low-calorie alcoholic beverages

Many people care about what they eat during the week, but drink bejeweled on the weekends.

Choose clear alcohol with a low-calorie mixture over beer, wine or a cocktail. This will help you avoid extra calories from the drink.

24. Not big

Sometimes buying a bigger drink or side for a slight increase in price may seem like a better deal.

However, most restaurants already serve large portions of food and beverages, so keep the size normal.

25. Avoid excess cheese

Extra cheese is often an option in restaurants.

Still, even a piece of cheese can add about 100 calories to your diet.

26. Change your cooking method

Cooking your own meals is a great way to keep your meals healthy and control your calorie intake.

However, if you try to cut calories, some cooking methods are better than others.

Healthy alternatives to grilling, air frying, steaming, stewing, boiling or poaching oil frying.

27. Choose tomato-based sauce instead of creamy ones

Creamy sauces not only contain more calories but also include fewer vegetables.

If you have the option, opt for a tomato-based sauce over cream to double the benefits of low calorie and healthier veggies.

28. Learn to read food labels

Not all healthy foods are healthy, but many contain hidden fats and sugars.

If you know how to read food labels, it is much easier to identify healthy options. You should also check your serving size and calorie count to find out how many calories you are actually consuming.

29. Eat whole fruit

Whole fruits contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that make them a great addition to your diet.

Also, it is difficult to overeat because the fruits are full of you compared to fruit juices.

Whenever possible, choose whole fruit instead of fruit juice. These are more abundant and contain more nutrients with less calories.

30. Dip vegetables, not chips

You enjoy snacking like chips and dips while watching TV but want to cut calories but just go for healthier vegetables.

31. Do not eat animal skin

Eating skin on meat adds additional calories to your diet.

For example, a roasted skinless chicken breast has about 142 calories. The same breast with skin contains 193 calories.

32. Avoid the second serving

If the food is delicious, it can persuade you to go back to something else.

However, taking a second serving can make it difficult to determine how much you've eaten, which may consume you more than your goal.

Go to the reasonable size part first and skip a few seconds ip

33. Choose thin-crust

Pizza is a popular fast food that can be very high in calories.

If you want to enjoy a pizza, choose a thin crust like vegetables and low-calorie toppings to keep calories to a minimum.

34. Try to fast from time to time

Occasionally, fasting is a popular weight-loss method that can help you cut calories.

This diet method works by cycling your eating patterns between periods of fasting and eating.

It is very effective for losing weight, as it makes it easy to reduce the amount of calories you eat over time.

Sometimes there are different ways to fast, so it's easy to find one that works for you.

35. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep has been linked to obesity.

In fact, those who don't sleep well are more likely to be overweight than those who get regular good rest.

One reason is that people who don't sleep may be hungrier and eat more calories.

If you're trying to cut calories and lose weight, make sure you get a good night's sleep consistently.


Weight loss will be followed by constant fatigue and tiredness, as it can be a daunting task.

These tips provide an easy way to cut down those extra calories, have thorns in your meat, and make real progress toward your weight loss goal.

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