6 Ways Rapid Weight Loss Can Dangerously Backfire on Your Health - Rules our Fitness


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Sunday 14 February 2021

6 Ways Rapid Weight Loss Can Dangerously Backfire on Your Health

 6 Ways Rapid Weight Loss Can Dangerously Backfire on Your Health

Mental health metabolism: 7 counterattacks to lose weight very quickly

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6 Ways Rapid Weight Loss Can Dangerously Backfire on Your Health
This image source by pexels.com

Although we may be drawn to advertisements for rapid weight loss, health experts have traditionally recommended a slow and steady approach to the trusted sources tradition.

"From half a pound to two pounds per week, which is universally considered safe and sustainable," said Jessica Crandall Snyder, spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

So what happens if those shows really deliver on their promise of "overnight"?

"Losing weight too quickly, especially through starvation techniques, can cause a number of side effects, some of which may be somewhat more dangerous than others," said Emmy Satrajemis, CSSD registered dietitian and director of Trifacta Nutrition.

"Perhaps significantly: When people lose weight too quickly, they often cannot successfully avoid it."

In fact, studies have shown that after losing weight, approximately two-thirds of dieters gain more than was initially excluded.

Although rapid weight loss can be counterproductive, it is one of them. Here are six more ways losing too much too soon can further harm your health.

1. You may be Missing Important Nutrients

"Many meal plans and [fast] diets eliminate whole food groups, which means you can lose essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, registered dietitian nutritionist with the Avocado Commission of California and author. "" Read it before eating; go from tag to table. "

Snyder mentions how a dairy-free diet can lead to calcium deficiency, and diets that cut down on carbohydrates mean you're not getting enough fiber. Even on a low-calorie diet, it's important to get multiple nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, folate, and iron.

Possible consequences of malnutrition

Loss of energy

Brittle hair and nails

Wear hair

Extreme fatigue

Commitment prevention measures

Weak bones and osteoporosis

In more extreme cases, malnutrition leads to decreased strength, general weakness, anemia, brittle hair, and constipation.

Babies are especially dangerous for children

In 2012, CBS Seattle reported that the Keep It Real campaign found that 80 percent of 10-year-old girls were on at least one diet. Research also shows that more than half of girls and one-third of boys begin to have "thin bodies" between the ages of six and seven.

Choose the right plan, not fast

When in doubt, choose an eating plan that includes all the basic macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates, protein) or work with a specialist to choose a plan that suits your needs and allergies or dietary restrictions.

“The goal is to view your plan as a way of life, not a diet. Diet is something that keeps you active and something that keeps you active. There is no start or end date, ”recalls Kerry Gans, registered dietitian nutritionist, certified yoga instructor and nutrition owner of Kerry Gans.

If you are a parent, determine what your child's goals are and if they are culturally involved or a real health concern. There is always a more productive and healthier alternative to rapid weight loss.

2. Your Metabolism May be Slower

Rapid weight loss is often the result of extreme calorie deprivation, for example, those who eat 3,000 to 1,200 calories a day, Guns said.

The problem is that our body recognizes this as a sign of limited food supply and goes into starvation mode. Christina Alai, a personal trainer at The Bay Club Company, points out the problem: "When your body goes into a state of starvation, your metabolism slows down to help conserve energy and your body becomes more fat."

In fact, a recent study tracked "The Biggest Loser" contestants and found that the more pounds they lost, the slower their metabolism. In the end, many of the participants gained more weight than they started the program.

Don't cut more than 500 calories

You don't have to cut your calories too much.

"Most people will lose at least one pound a week if they eat less than 500 calories a day through a combination of diet and exercise." "This procedure may not give the same instant gratification, but it will actually transform your body in the long run."

3. You can Lose Muscle Instead of Fat

“When we lose weight, we want to get rid of the real fat tissue. Not muscle mass. I never meet anyone who complains about having a higher percentage of body muscles, "says Snyder.

However, if you cut calories too fast, the tone of the muscle will be severely affected.

“Calorie-restricted diets can break down your body’s muscles for energy and fuel,” Satrajemis says.

In addition to saying goodbye to your shapely arms and buttocks, muscle mass loss can slow down your metabolism.

“Muscle is more metabolically active than fat. This means that one pound of muscle burns more calories a day than one pound of fat. So losing muscle means you burn fewer calories a day, ”says Snyder.

Keep the protein part of your plan

How to increase metabolism

Eat protein in every meal

Lifting heavyweights

Includes high-intensity interval training

Eat enough calories

“Eating a high-protein diet and participating in regular energy training while dieting can help you build more muscle to save your lean mass and speed up your metabolism,” says Stragemis.

Also, the added energy can help you push yourself during the end of an HIIT or cycling class.

4. You can Become Very Dehydrated

Thanks to the weight of the water, a slight rapid weight loss is commonly seen in the first two weeks. “Especially on a low-carb or no-carb diet, people will lose a lot of weight,” says Taub-Dix. According to him, ketogenic diet is often praised for its rapid weight loss.

The problem is that rapid dehydration can lead to dehydration and unpleasant side effects such as constipation, headaches, muscle cramps and lack of energy.

Make sure your weight loss plan emphasizes hydration

In general, this is not a problem in diets like juicing and cleansing, which is also unhealthy; However, new diets that focus on food may make you neglect your water intake. Keep an eye on your H2O intake and make sure you are taking adequate amounts of electronic. Adding a pinch of Himalayan salt to your diet can help.

Look for signs of dehydration, especially in the first two weeks.

Symptoms of dehydration



Muscle barrier

Low power

Yellowish yellow or amber urine

Feeling thirsty


If any of these symptoms persist, Dr. Eric Westman, director of the Duke University Lifestyle Medicine Clinic and medical director of Hell Care, says you should see a healthcare provider.

"If a person is taking medication for diabetes or high blood pressure, rapid weight loss can make these medications too strong, which can lead to these unpleasant symptoms."

5. You may Feel Hungry

When you follow a fast, low-calorie diet, your leptin levels, the hormone that controls appetite and satiety, become unstable, says Taub-Dix.

When leptin levels are normal your body has enough fat it tells your brain, your brain signals that you are full. However, studies from trusted sources have shown that unbalanced leptin levels in a very low-calorie diet can create an obsession with food. You may be at risk of eating Hungry, Hungry and Business.

Stick to high-quality food

Studies have shown that quality is more important than calories used for weight loss and can affect how much you eat. Studies have linked starch or refined carbohydrates to weight gain. But value and quantity go together

As mentioned in our guide to re-eating habits, restrictions have a more negative effect on the body and mind. Changing your diet is never just about losing weight, it’s also about your body’s nutrition and respect.

6. Your Mental Health may be Affected

"If you lose weight too fast, it can have psychological consequences," says Taub-Dix. Can. "

Taub-Dix adds: “Many people start a diet with an 'if x, then y' mentality. "I'd be happy if I lost weight." Otherwise, I will find love. "

So after weight loss, when these things are not implemented, it can exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions or further promote body image problems.

Ask yourself: What is your real goal?

If you consider weight loss as a prerequisite for reaching a personal goal, such as finding a relationship, being healthy, being productive or having self-control, take some time to write down your intentions and wishes. Often, you will find that weight loss is a small factor and taking a shortcut doesn't really give you the growth you're looking for.

“You should think a lot about your weight loss method. It’s more than just learning and gaining propensity, ”Gans said. You will pity yourself by choosing a slower and more progressive way to lose weight.

Look for consistent, healthy weight loss

While slow and steady weight loss doesn’t sound all this promising, it’s the best way to honor your body. It doesn’t make you lose weight and is more effective in helping you build a healthy, purposeful relationship with food.

“Weight maintenance depends on the individual, but it is more likely to maintain strict weight loss measures,” Satrajemis reiterated.

So what is the best way to lose weight?

“Healthy and sustainable weight loss includes many factors: better food choices, more sleep, increased physical activity, reduced stress, and a focus on mental well-being,” Gans says.

Make sure to create moments of joy on your trip. If you do not like high-intensity workouts, try to move a little. It's okay to put a piece of chocolate or a bag of potato chips.

Remember this as a mantra:

Eating fatty protein

Cut out sugar and common carbohydrates

Emphasize healthy fats

Get plenty of rest

Manage stress levels

Includes strength and high-intensity training

“Remember that weight loss should be an overall lifestyle change that pays off in the long run,” Gans said. Although it means maintaining balance, choosing and practicing moderation in your food choices, it also means putting the diet culture behind you and perhaps rekindling your relationship with yourself.

Dig deeper to find the true inspiration behind your aspirations before embarking on any weight loss journey. You don’t want to fall into the trap of the yo-yo diet, which can hurt your heart.

If the reason is temporary, such as wearing old clothes at an upcoming event, will you get a new dress with your budget? You may be surprised to learn that your goal may be to wonder at all about weight.

Article source healthline.com

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