Does Fruit Help You Lose Weight? - Rules our Fitness


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Sunday 14 February 2021

Does Fruit Help You Lose Weight?

 Does Fruit Help You Lose Weight?

It is common knowledge that fruit is one of the main components of a healthy diet.

It is incredibly nutritious and rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

Even the fruit has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes.

However, it contains more natural sugars than other vegetables. For this reason, many people wonder if it is good for their waistline.

Does Fruit Help You Lose Weight?
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This article looks at the potential effects of the fruit to determine if weight loss is related or fattening.

Fruits are low in Calories and High in Nutrients.

The fruit is a nutritious solid food, which means it is low in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

A larger orange can meet an essential health resistance element for 163% of your daily vitamin C requirement.

On the other hand, a medium banana provides 12% of the potassium you need in your day, which helps control the activity of your nerves, muscles and heart.

Fruits are also rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

Plus, they contain fiber, which can promote regularity, improve gut health, and enhance feelings of fullness.

And since fruits are low in calories, they can help reduce your daily calorie intake while providing you with the nutrients you need in your diet.

For example, a small apple contains only 77 calories, but it provides around 4 grams of fiber, which is up to 16% of the amount you need for your day.

Other fruits are equally low in calories. For example, half a cup (4 grams) of blueberries has 42 calories, while half a cup (76 grams) of grapes has 52 calories.

Replacing high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods like fruit helps create calorie deficits, which are essential for weight loss.

Calorie deficiency occurs when you consume more calories than you consume, forcing your body to use stored calories, primarily in the form of fat, leading to weight loss.

Eating whole fruits instead of high-calorie candy, cookies, and chips can lower your calorie intake and promote weight loss.


Fruits are low in calories but rich in nutrients. Eating it in place of a high-calorie breakfast helps increase weight loss.

Fruit can make you feel full

In addition to being low in calories, the fruit is incredibly filling for its water and fiber content.

Fiber moves slowly through your body and increases digestion time, resulting in a feeling of fullness.

Some research has suggested that fiber can also reduce appetite and food intake.

One study found that eating foods rich in fiber reduced appetite, food intake, and blood sugar levels in healthy men.

Other studies have shown that higher fiber intake can promote weight loss and help reduce the risk of weight and fat gain.

A 2005 study found that taking fiber supplements in combination with a low-calorie diet could lead to weight loss compared to a low-calorie diet alone.

Furthermore, the fruit contains a high water content. It allows you to eat a large amount and feel full, but it can consume very few calories.

A small study found that eating foods with higher water intake resulted in greater satiety, lower calorie intake, and decreased appetite compared to drinking water during meals.

Due to their high fiber and water content, fruits like apples and oranges, among the top foods on the satiety index, are a tool for measuring how satisfying foods can be.

Combining whole fruits in your diet can make you feel full, which can help reduce your calorie intake and increase weight loss.


Fruits are rich in fiber and water that help increase fullness and reduce appetite.

Fruit intake is associated with weight loss

Several studies have found a relationship between fruit intake and weight loss.

A large study followed 133,468 adults over a 24-year period and found that over time the amount of fruit was associated with greater weight loss. Apples and berries seemed to have the most impact on weight.

Another small study in 2010 found that obese and overweight people who increased their fruit weight lost more weight.

The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which is associated with more weight loss.

One study followed 252 women over a 20-month period and found that those who consumed more fiber had a lower risk of weight gain and body fat than those who consumed less fiber.

Another study found that participants taking fiber supplements had lower body weight, body fat, and waist circumference compared to the control group.

Fruit is the mainstay of the Whole Food Diet, which has been shown to increase weight loss on its own right.

A small study found that participants who ate a whole plant-based diet had significantly lower body weight and blood cholesterol compared to the control group.

Note that these studies show a relationship between fruit consumption and weight loss, but this does not mean that another happened because of it.

Further studies are needed to determine how directly fruit can play a role in weight.


Some studies have found that fruit consumption, high fiber intake, and whole-grain diets are associated with weight loss. More research is needed to see how much effect the fruit itself can have.

Fruits Contain Natural Sugars

The natural sugars found in fruits are very different from the sugars commonly used in processed foods. The two types of health can have very different effects.

Added sugar is associated with a variety of potential health problems, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

The two most common types of added sugars are common sugars known as glucose and fructose. Sweeteners like table sugar and high fructose corn syrup are both types.

The fruit contains a mixture of fructose, glucose and sucrose. When eaten in large quantities, fructose can be harmful and contribute to problems such as obesity, liver disease and heart problems.

For this reason, many people who want to eat less sugar mistakenly believe that they need to eliminate fruit from their diet.

However, it is important to differentiate between the large amount of fructose found in added sugars and the small amount found in fruits.

Fructose is only harmful in large quantities and it will be very difficult to eat enough fruit to reach this amount.

In addition, the high fiber and polyphenol content of the fruit reduces the rise in blood sugar caused by glucose and sucrose.

Thus, the sugar content of the fruit is not a problem for most people regarding health or weight loss.


Fruits contain fructose, a type of natural sugar that is harmful in large quantities. However, the fruits do not provide enough fructose for anxiety.

Drinking fruit juice is associated with obesity

There is a big difference between the health effects of fruits and fruit juices.

Although whole fruits are low in calories and a good source of fiber, fruit juices are not the same.

In the juice process, the juice is extracted from the fruit, leaving its beneficial fiber and providing a dense dose of calories and sugar.

Orange is a great example. A small orange (96 grams) contains 45 calories and 9 grams of sugar, but 1 cup (237 ml) of orange juice contains 134 calories and 23 grams of sugar.

Some types of fruit juices even contain added sugar, which increases the total number of calories and sugar.

Increasing research shows that drinking fruit juice can be associated with obesity, especially in children.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently recommended that fruit juice should not be used for children under 1 year of age.

A study of 187 preschoolers found that drinking 12 ounces (355 ml) or more of fruit juice per day was associated with short stature and obesity.

Other studies have shown that drinking sugary beverages, such as fruit juices, is associated with weight gain and obesity.

Instead, try swapping your juicer for a blender and make smoothies, which retain the beneficial fiber found in fruit.

However, eating whole fruits is still the best option to incorporate your nutritional intake.


Fruit juice is high in calories and sugar, but low in fiber. Drinking fruit juice has been linked to weight gain and obesity.

Nuts should be eaten in moderation.

Some types of nuts are well known for their health benefits.

For example, prunes have a laxative effect that can help cure constipation, while dates have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Nuts are also very nutritious. These contain most of the same vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in whole fruits, but in much denser packages because the water has been removed.

This means that you consume more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than the same weight of fresh fruit.

Unfortunately, this also means that you will consume large amounts of calories, carbohydrates, and sugar.

For example, half a cup (78 grams) of raw apricots contains 37 calories, while half a cup (65 grams) of dried apricots contains 157 calories. Dried apricots contain four times more calories than raw apricots.

In addition, various types of nuts are candied, which means that manufacturers add sugar to enhance the sweetness. Candied fruits are rich in calories and sugar and should be avoided in a healthy diet.

If you are eating dried fruit, be sure to look for a brand with no added sugar and closely monitor your serving size to make sure your serving volume is not increasing.


Nuts are very nutritious, but they are also high in calories and sugar compared to fresh varieties, so be sure to moderate your portions.

When to limit the amount of fruit

Fruits aid in healthy dietary supplementation and weight loss for most. However, some people may consider limitations when it comes to eating their fruit.

Fructose intolerance

Since fruits can contain high amounts of fructose, people with fructose intolerance should limit their consumption.

Although the high levels of fructose in fruits are not harmful for most people, they reduce fructose absorption, including fructose intolerance. For these people, consuming fructose causes symptoms such as abdominal pain and nausea.

Talk to your doctor if you think you may be fructose intolerant.

On a ketogenic or very low-carb diet

If you are on a keto or very low carb diet, you should also limit your intake of fruits.

It is relatively high in carbohydrates and may not fit within the carbohydrate restrictions of this diet.

For example, a single small pear contains 23 grams of carbohydrates, which may already exceed the daily amount in some sugar-controlled diets.


People who are fructose intolerant or on a ketogenic or very low-carbohydrate diet may need to limit their fruit intake.


The fruit is incredibly nutritious and packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but it's very low in calories, making it good for weight loss.

In addition, its high fiber and water content make it very nutritious and appetite suppressant.

However, try to stick to whole fruit rather than fruit juice or nuts.

Most guidelines recommend eating about 2 cups (about 228 grams) of whole fruit per day.

For reference, 1 cup (approximately 114 grams) of fruit equals one small apple, one medium pear, eight large strawberries, or one large banana.

Until the end, remember that fruit is one piece of the puzzle. Eat it with an overall healthy diet and get regular physical activity for long-term weight loss.

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