Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight — But Only A Specific Type - Rules our Fitness


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Friday 12 February 2021

Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight — But Only A Specific Type

 Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight — But Only A Specific Type

Fiber is an important nutrient that is often overlooked.

Simply put, fibers refer to sugars that the intestine cannot digest.

It is classified as soluble or soluble depending on whether it dissolves in water.

Insoluble fibers basically act as bulking agents, adding material to the stool. In contrast, some types of soluble fiber can significantly affect your health and metabolism as well as your weight.

Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight — But Only A Specific Type
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This article explains how soluble fiber can promote weight loss.

Fiber Feeds your Friendly gut Bacteria

Approximately 100 trillion bacteria live in your gut, basically the large intestine.

In addition to other microorganisms found in your digestive system, these bacteria are often known as intestinal flora or intestinal microbiome.

Different species of bacteria play important roles in various areas of health, including weight management, blood sugar control, immunity, and even brain function.

Bacteria, like all other organisms, need to be eaten well to stay healthy.

This is where most soluble fibers come from. Soluble fibers remain almost unchanged through your digestive tract, eventually reaching friendly intestinal bacteria that digest it and convert it into usable energy.

Fibers that beneficial bacteria in the gut are known as prebiotic fibers or fermentable fibers. It is considered to be very beneficial for health and body weight.

Some dissolved fibers, such as resistant starch, also act as pre-organic.


The fiber is not digested and reaches the large intestine relatively unchanged. There, some soluble fibers help to feed the friendly intestinal bacteria needed for good health.

Good Bacteria help Fight Inflammation

Bowel bacteria are known for their effects on chronic inflammation.

These produce nutrients for your body, including short-chain fatty acids that feed your colon cells.

This leads to a reduction in intestinal inflammation and the improvement of related inflammatory disorders.

Simply to cleanse, acute (short-term) inflammation is beneficial because it helps your body fight off foreign invaders and repair damaged cells.

However chronic (chronic) inflammation is a serious problem because it can start to fight with your body’s own tissues.

Chronic low-level inflammation contributes to almost all chronic Western diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer's, and metabolic syndrome.

There is also growing evidence that inflammation is associated with weight gain and obesity.

Several observational studies have shown that high fiber intake is associated with lower levels of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream.


Inflammation is associated with many lifestyle conditions, including obesity. Fiber intake has been linked to reducing inflammation.

Concentrated Fiber can Reduce your Appetite and Help you Eat Less

To lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit.

That is, it is necessary that more calories (energy) are left than is entering your body.

For example, calorie counting helps a lot of people, but it is not necessary if you choose the right foods.

Something that reduces your appetite can reduce your calorie intake. With less appetite, you can lose weight without worrying about it.

Fiber is often thought to suppress your appetite. However, the evidence proves that only a certain type of fiber has this effect.

A recent review of 44 studies found that 39% increased fiber therapy completeness, while only 22% reduced dietary intake.

The softer the fiber, the better it is to reduce appetite and food intake.

Simply put, the viscosity of a substance refers to its thickness and adhesion. For example, honey is much more viscous than water.

Soft and soluble fibers like pectins, beta-glucans, calcium, glucomannan, and guar gum are concentrated in water and form a jelly-like substance that settles in the intestines.

This gel empties the stomach, increasing digestion and absorption time. The end result is a prolonged feeling of fullness and a significant reduction in appetite.

Some evidence suggests that the effects of fiber weight loss are particularly noticeable on abdominal fat, a harmful fat in the abdominal cavity that is strongly associated with metabolic disease.


High viscosity fibers provide fullness, appetite reduction and automatic weight loss. Low viscosity fibers appear to have no effect on these factors.

Are Fiber Supplements Effective For Weight Loss?

Fiber supplements are generally made by separating the fiber from the plant.

Although these isolated fibers may have some health benefits, the evidence for weight management is mixed and incredible.

A very large review study found that both soluble smooth fibers, such as calcium and guar gum, are ineffective as weight loss supplements.

A notable exception is a glucomannan, a fiber derived from conjac root.

This incredibly viscous dietary fiber causes moderate weight loss when used as a supplement.

However, supplementation with isolated nutrients is rarely distinguished.

For the best effect, you should combine fiber supplements with other healthy weight loss strategies.

While glucomannan and other soluble fiber supplements are a good option, it is best to focus your diet on whole plant foods.


Fiber supplements for weight loss are often ineffective, with the exception of glucomannan. However, getting fiber from whole plant foods is better than supplements.

Viscous Fiber is a Rich Source

Smooth fibers are found exclusively in plant foods.

Rich sources include kidney beans and kidney beans, sesame seeds, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and oatmeal.

If you plan to switch to a high-fiber diet, be sure to go slowly so your body has time to adjust.

Common side effects of abdominal discomfort, cramps, and diarrhea occur if you increase your fiber intake too quickly.


Soft, soluble fiber is found only in plant foods. Whole plant foods like beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and oats are rich in soft fiber.


Eating more fiber-rich foods, especially lean fiber, can be an effective way to lose weight.

However, like many weight loss methods, it doesn't produce long-term results if you don't combine it with permanent lifestyle changes.

Keep in mind that fiber supplements have fewer overall health effects than fiber-rich whole foods.

Also, don't forget that health isn't just about body weight. Eating a lot of real foods can have many other health benefits.

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