Keto Diet Dangers You Should Know About - Rules our Fitness


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Wednesday 3 February 2021

Keto Diet Dangers You Should Know About

 The Keto Diet Is Gaining Popularity, But Is It Safe?

The ketogenic diet is becoming a trend among people looking for rapid and dramatic weight loss. However, many experts argue that it is not safe.

A new twist about final weight loss is catching on in some parts of the United States. This is called the "ketogenic diet".

Diet promoters say it uses the body's own fat-burning system to help you lose a small amount of weight in 10 days.

The Keto Diet Is Gaining Popularity, But Is It Safe?
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It is also known to help children with epilepsy with moderate symptoms, although experts aren't sure why it works.

Proponents say the diet can lead to faster weight loss and provide more energy to a person.

But critics say the diet is an unhealthy way to lose weight and in some cases can be absolutely dangerous.

What is ketosis?

A "keto" diet is any low or zero carbohydrate diet that can lead to ketosis.

Ketosis occurs when eating a low carb or non-carb diet and a molecule called ketones is formed in the bloodstream.

Low carbohydrates lower blood sugar levels and the body begins to reduce fat for energy.

A ketosis is actually a mild form of ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis primarily affects people with type 1 diabetes, in fact, it is one of the leading causes of death for people with diabetes under the age of 24.

However, many experts say that ketosis itself is not harmful.

Some studies, in fact, suggest that the ketogenic diet is safe for people who are significantly overweight or obese.

However, other clinical reviews indicate that patients who follow low-carbohydrate diets regain some weight in a year.

Where it is useful

The ketogenic diet was developed by the Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Sapienza in Rome, Italy. By Gianfranco Capello

It claims great success among thousands of users. In their study as a trusted source, more than 19,000 dieters experienced rapid and significant weight loss, a few side effects, and most weight loss after one year.

Based on the results of the report, patients lose an average of 10.2 kilograms or about 22 pounds after 2.5 cycles of the ketogenic diet. Capello concluded that diet is a successful way for weight and obese people to lose weight and a few side effects like fatigue can be easily controlled.

Betty Klein, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital, has been using the ketogenic diet for many years to relieve the symptoms of children with epilepsy.

He told Healthline that it is especially effective in patients with resistant epilepsy who have not responded well to treatment with at least two separate medications.

Klein said about half of these children who go on a diet see a reduction in their number of infections.

Dietitians say, however, that medical professionals are not sure why diet works in this case.

"There is no clear definition of what is happening," he said.

Sports nutritionist Rudy Mao has also had some success with the Keto-type diet.

He said he uses this low-carb method with some people who have trouble losing weight. Your plan includes high-performance athletes.

Mao told Healthline that the program has several benefits.

One advantage is its quick results. People can lose some initial weight quickly and as a result, it helps to motivate them.

“You can inspire yourself with this weight loss,” he said.

He added that the ketogenic diet is easy according to the concept. Eliminate a food group so that people are easy to keep track of.

He said that despite the low-calorie diet, it makes people feel full and gives them more energy. Because he said, people are slowly taking in processed foods. He added that the Keto diet stabilizes blood sugar levels and makes energy flow more stable.

Mawa's notes have some flaws.

He said that diet does not necessarily improve athletic performance, it is something that can put off athletes.

He added that people have to stick with the program or it won't work.

"It is a very strict diet," says Mauer. "You have to fix everything."

Each person, he points out, responds individually and individually to this national program.

"What is good for one person can be horrible for another," she said.

When it's not healthy

Critics say keto-type diets generally work in the short term and can be healthy.

According to Lisa Sipperman, a clinical dietitian at University Hospital Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and a spokesperson for Nutrition and Dietetics, for beginners, the most weight-bearing weight is the weight of water.

“Once ketosis enters your body, you start to lose muscle, feel extremely tired, and eventually starve to death. The weight loss will be followed by constant fatigue and tiredness, ”Simperman told Healthline.

Mao said that he does not believe that the Keto diet reduces muscle mass. He cautioned that trying to gain muscle is not a good idea.

Other experts were strong words of caution in Healthline interviews.

"Catch diets should only be used under clinical supervision and for a short period of time," Francine Blinten, RD, of Old Greenwich, Connecticut, told HealthLine, a public health consultant in Connecticut. "They have worked successfully with some cancer patients to shrink tumors with chemotherapy and reduce seizures in patients with epilepsy."

Among the general public, Blinten said, the ketogenic diet should only be considered in extreme cases.

“It can do more harm than good. It can damage the heart, it's a muscle, ”she explained.

Anyone with type 2 diabetes can benefit from a low-carbohydrate diet and weight loss because it will improve insulin sensitivity, Simperman explained.

"But there are many more ways besides this weird diet that you won't keep the weight off long-term," she said.

Bintan, who has used the Keto diet for certain cancer patients in certain situations, warned: "People can do something to lose weight." However, for most patients, the ketogenic diet can do more harm than good, especially if they have an underlying kidney or liver problem.

"People use it for cosmetic reasons, but it is so extreme that it is dangerous."

Feeding tube method

Some have taken the keto diet a step further by using a feeding tube that is inserted into the esophagus through the nose.

Dieters adhere to a strict 800 calorie, high protein, no-carb diet powered by a drip pump process. In addition to the liquid diet, only black coffee, tea, or water is allowed.

Oliver de Pietro is a Florida doctor who has been providing this tube diet to those who can afford to spend 1,500. According to a 2012 local news report, De Pietro found out about the diet while traveling in Italy. He stressed that the Keto diet is safe and effective, even for those who want to lose a few pounds.

"It's a ridiculous way to lose weight," says Cimperman.

On an 800-calorie daily diet, "you're basically starving yourself," Cimpermansaid. "Of course you will lose weight."

Anything less than 1,200 calories per day is considered a starvation diet and is not intended to cause long-term weight loss.

Tube feeding is a legitimate tool in a hospital setting, he explained.

“Anyone who is hooked up to a ventilator or unable to swallow due to a stroke or cancer may have to eat this way. But it is generally used as a last resort, ”he said.

"Otherwise, a healthy person can cause serious complications, including infection, if the tube becomes contaminated and sodium levels rise, and this can lead to dehydration and constipation," Simperman added. "Do people want to walk with a tube in their nose?"

Melinda Hemmelgarn, a Colombian, Missouri-based registered dietitian, and host of the Food Slut radio show told Healthline: “It's crazy to think of having your nose tube to lose weight. It seems to me that someone is making a lot of money from someone else’s weakness. Just don’t say this idea. "

Don’t become weight obsessed

Hemmelgarn, since considering the Fed Diet, advised someone to "keep the diet in view. It's a gift. That's how we nurture ourselves and stay well."

According to Hemmelgarn, promoting this diet to brides plays a role in our weight-bearing society.

Instead, anyone preparing for marriage should eat well, do plenty of physical activity such as walking, jogging or biking, and improve themselves by eating fresh, whole, minimally processed organic foods.

Blanton says there are no magic bullets for long-term weight loss. For long-term weight management, a Mediterranean-style lifestyle centered on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, fish and olive oil can be healthy.

"We're crazy dieters, but the truth is there's no need for a quick fix," Clinton said. "Cutting out fine carbohydrates and replacing them with fresh fruits, vegetables, and fatty proteins, eliminating processed foods, and avoiding excess additives will keep you healthy in the long run."

Cimperman said setting healthy weight loss goals and setting your diet plan should ask yourself:

Good for the long term

Practice included

Meet your long-term health goals.

If the answer is no, it is a red flag, he warned.

Clinton advises dieters not to skip meals because it will speed up your body the next time you eat. This will force you to eat more, not less. He suggested eating his biggest meal at noon and a healthy breakfast later in the afternoon.

“It keeps your metabolism and insulin levels more regular,” he explained.

Practice, of course, is crucial. Each pound of muscle equals 50 calories, so a plan that includes a muscle-enhancing health system will help you reach your goals faster.

Hemmelgarn added: “Stay away from fashion magazines. These make us feel inadequate. Even if you are considering this insane method to lose weight, go for a walk now ...! This will clear your head. "

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