Optavia Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss? - Rules our Fitness


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Saturday 30 January 2021

Optavia Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

 Optavia Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

If you don't like cooking or don't have time to cook, you may be interested in a diet that cuts down on your time in the kitchen.

The Optovia diet does just that. Promote weight loss through low-calorie prepackaged products, some simple home-cooked meals, and individual coach support.

Still, you may wonder if it's safe and if it has any downsides.

Optavia Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss
This image source by pexels.com

This article reviews the benefits of the Optovia diet and its effectiveness to help you decide if it is right for you.

BREAK Down qualification score

Overall score: 2.25

Rapid weight loss: 4

Long-term weight loss: 1

Easy to follow: 3

Nutritional quality: 1


The Optavia diet has been shown to result in short-term weight loss, but research is needed on its long-term efficacy. Weight loss plans have limited food intake and rely heavily on heavily processed, packaged foods and snacks.

What is the Optovia diet?

Optavia Diet is owned by the food replacement company Medifast. Their main diets (also called Medifast) and Optavia are low-calorie and low-carb programs that combine packaged foods with home-cooked meals to promote weight loss.

However, unlike Medifast, the Optovia diet includes individual training.

You can choose from several options, including brand-name products known as Optavia Fuelings and homemade entrees known as Lean Green Foods.

Optovia Fuelings is a combination of more than 60 elements that are low in carbohydrates but rich in protein and probiotic cultures, it contains friendly bacteria that can improve your health. These dishes include bars, cookies, smoothies, puddings, cereals, soups, and pasta.

Although these appear to be high in carbohydrates, fuels are designed to be less than carbohydrates and sugar compared to the traditional dietary version of the same food. To achieve this, the company uses sugar substitutes and small portions.

Also, many fuels break down whey protein powder and soy protein.

For those who aren't interested in cooking, the company offers a line of low carb pre-made foods known as Flavors of Home that can replace lean, green foods.

Diet version

The Optovia diet includes two weight loss programs and a weight-maintenance plan:

Optimal Weight Plan 5 & 1. The most popular plan, this version includes five optovia fuels per day and a balanced lean and green meal.

Optimal Weight Plans 4 & 2 & 1. For those who need more calories or flexibility in their food choices, the plan includes four Optovia fuels, two green and lean meals, and one snack per day.

Optimal Health Plans 3 and 3. Designed for maintenance, includes three Optovia fuels per day and three balanced lean and green meals.

The Optavia program provides additional tools to assist with weight loss and maintenance, including text messages, community forums, weekly support calls, and an app that allows you to set food reminders and track your food intake and activities. foods.

The company also offers specialized programs for nursing mothers, older adults, adolescents, and patients with diabetes or gout.

Although Optovia offers these specialized plans, there is no certainty that this diet is safe for people with certain medical conditions. Additionally, teenage and nursing mothers have unique nutritional and caloric needs that the Optavia diet cannot meet.


Optovia Diet includes proprietary and pre-purchased Medifast servings and snacks, low-carb homemade meals, and ongoing training to promote weight and fat loss.

How to follow the Optovia diet

No matter which plans you choose, start a phone conversation with a coach and choose which Optavia you plan to follow, set weight loss goals, and get acquainted with the program.

Initial steps

To lose weight, most people start with the optimal weight 5 and 1 plans, which are 800-1000 calorie rules that will help you lose 12 pounds (5.4 kg) in 12 weeks.

In this plan, eat 5 optavia fuels and 1 lean and green food every day. You should eat 1 meal every 2-3 hours and 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

In total, fuel and food do not provide 100 grams of carbohydrates per day.

You order these meals from your coach’s individual website, as Optavia coaches are paid on commission.

Thin and green foods are designed to be high in protein and low in carbohydrates. A meal offers 5 to 7 ounces (145 to 200 grams) of cooked fatty protein, 3 servings of starchy vegetables and 2 servings of healthy fats.

The plan also includes 1 daily snack, which must be approved by your coach. Planned-approved snacks include 3 sticks of celery, 1/2 cup (60 g) of unwrapped gelatin or 1/2 ounce (14 g) of walnuts.

The program includes a dinner out guide that explains how to order a lean and green meal at your favorite restaurant. Please note that alcohol is strongly discouraged in plans 5 and 1.

Maintenance episode

Once you reach your desired weight, you enter the 6-week transition phase, in which calories gradually increase to no more than 1,550 calories per day and add a variety of foods, including whole grains, fruits, and low-dairy products. In fat

After Weeks Week, you should upgrade to Optimal Health 3 and 3 plans, which include 3 fatty and green meals a day and 3 fuels as well as ongoing optovia training.

Those who experience lasting success in the program have the option of training as an Optovia coach.


Optovia 5 and 1 weight loss plans are low in calories and carbohydrates and include five packaged fuels per day and a low-carb lean and green meal. Once you have reached your ideal weight, move on to a less limited maintenance plan.

Can it help you lose weight?

The Optavia Diet is designed to help people lose weight and fat by reducing calories and sugars through part-controlled meals and snacks.

Plan 5 and 1 split calories into 6 portion-controlled foods, limiting 800-1,000 calories per day.

While the study is mixed, some studies have found more weight loss with full or partial meal replacement plans than with traditional dietary calorie-controlled diets.

Studies further reveal that reducing total calorie intake is effective for weight loss and fat loss, as is the short-term low-carb diet.

A 16-week study of 198-year-old overweight or obese people found that weight, fat levels, and waist circumference were significantly lower than in the control group between Optavia 5 and 1 plans.

Specifically, those in plan 5 and 1 who lost an average of 5.3% of their body weight lost more than 10% of 28.1% of participants. This may suggest additional benefits, as studies have linked weight loss to 5 to 10% with a reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Individual training can also be helpful.

The same study found that people on diets 5 and 1 who completed at least 75% of their training sessions lost twice as much weight as those who participated in fewer sessions.

However, you should be aware that this study was funded by Medifast.

Regardless, several other studies have shown significant improvements in dietary adherence to programs that include short- and long-term weight loss and continuous training.

Currently, no study has examined the long-term results of the Optovia diet. Nevertheless, a study on a similar Medifast plan noted that only 25% of participants had confidence for up to 1 year.

Other experiments have shown that some weight returns to the weight maintenance stage after the 5th and 1st Mediaset diets.

The only difference between the 5 and 1 Mediaset Diet and the 5 and 1 Optovia plans is coaching.

Overall, more research is needed to determine the long-term effectiveness of the Optovia diet.


The low-calorie and low-carb Optovia diet plan includes ongoing support from trainers and has been shown to reduce weight and fat in the short term. However, its long-term efficacy is unknown.

Other Potential Benefits

The Optovia diet has additional benefits that can improve weight loss and overall health.

Easy to follow

Since the diet is primarily based on prepaid fuels, you are only responsible for cooking one meal per day on plans 5 and 1.

Additionally, each plan makes it easy to track sample meal plans and food records with

These are easy to make and encourage you to cook 1-3 green and fatty meals per day, depending on your plan, as the program has a list of specific recipes and meal options.

Also, those not interested in cooking can purchase packaged foods called Flavors of Home to replace lean, green foods.

May improve blood pressure

Optovia programs can help improve blood pressure through weight loss and limited sodium intake.

The Optavia diet has not been specifically studied, similarly, the Medifast program has shown a significant reduction in blood pressure in a 40-week study of 90 overweight or obese people.

Additionally, all Optovia meal plans are designed to provide less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, although this will make you choose low sodium options for your lean and green foods.

Numerous health organizations, including the Institute of Medicine, the American Heart Association, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), recommend taking less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

This is because higher sodium intake is associated with higher blood pressure and risk of heart disease in people sensitive to salt.

Offers ongoing support

Optavia Health Coaches are available throughout the weight loss and maintenance program.

As mentioned above, one study found a significant relationship between the number of training sessions and improved weight loss on Optovia 5 and 1 plans.

Additionally, research suggests that having a lifestyle coach or mentor can help maintain weight long-term.


The Optavia program has additional benefits in that it provides ongoing, easy-to-follow support. By limiting your sodium intake, you can also help lower blood pressure in some people.

Possible Downsides

The Optovia diet can be an effective way for some people to lose weight, but it has several potential downsides.

Calories are very low

At just 800-11,2000 calories per day, the calories in the Optovia 5 and 1 programs are quite low, especially for those who are in the habit of eating 2,000 or more per day.

While this rapid reduction in calories can lead to overall weight loss, studies have shown that it can significantly reduce muscle loss.

Additionally, low-calorie diets can reduce the number of calories your body burns by 23%. This slow metabolism can last even after you stop limiting your calories.

Calorie restriction can lead to an inadequate intake of essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

As a result, special care must be taken to meet the nutritional needs of the higher calorie population, such as pregnant women, athletes, and very active people, to reduce their caloric intake.

Finally, research indicates that low-calorie diets increase appetite and habits, which can make long-term adherence difficult.

It can be hard to follow

Plans 5 and 1 include five packaged fuels per day and one low-carb meal. As a result, you can be quite limited in food options and calorie counts.

You may get tired of relying on packaged foods for most of your diet, it may become easier to cheat on the diet, or it may be easier to develop cravings for other foods.

Although the maintenance plan is much less limited, it is more based on refueling.

Can be expensive

Regardless of your specific plan, the Optavia diet can be expensive.

Optovia fuel cost - about 120 servings - about 3 weeks for plans 5 and 1 - 350-450. Although it also includes the cost of training, it does not include the cost of food for light and green meals.

Depending on your budget it is cheaper to cook self-low-calorie meals.

It is not compatible with other eating styles.

The Optavia Diet includes special programs for vegetarians, people with diabetes, and those who are breastfeeding. Moreover, about two-thirds of their products are gluten-free certified. However, the options for them on certain diets are limited.

For example, Optovia fuels are not suitable for vegetarians or people with dairy allergies because most alternatives contain milk.

Additionally, fuels use a wide range of ingredients, so people with food allergies should read the labels carefully.

Finally, the Optovia program is not recommended for pregnant women because it may not meet their nutritional needs.

Weight gain

Returning weight after closing the program can be a concern.

Currently, no research has tested weight gain after the Optovia diet. Nevertheless, in a study on the same national 16-week MediFast diet, participants regained an average of 11 pounds (4.8 kg) within 24 weeks of completing the program.

The probable cause of weight recovery is your reliance on packaged foods. After dieting, it can be difficult to move on to buying and cooking healthy foods.

Furthermore, the dramatic calorie restriction of the 5th and 1st plans may also lead to some weight gain due to slower metabolism.

Optovia fuels are highly processed

The Optavia diet relies heavily on prepackaged foods. In fact, you will receive 150 packets of fuel per month in plans 5 and 1.

This is cause for concern because many of these items are widely processed.

They contain large amounts of food additives, sugar substitutes and processed vegetable oils, which can damage intestinal health and contribute to chronic inflammation.

Carrageenan, a common condensate, and preservative used in many fuels, is derived from red algae. Although research on its safety is limited, animal and test-tube studies have suggested that it may have a negative impact on digestive health and lead to intestinal ulcers.

Many fuels also contain maltodextrin, a concentrating agent that has been shown to increase blood sugar levels and damage intestinal bacteria.

While these supplements may be safe in small amounts, frequent consumption of the Optavia diet may increase your risk of side effects.

The trainers of the program are not healthcare professionals

Most Optovia trainers have successfully lost weight in the program, but they are not health professionals.

As a result, they are not qualified to offer dietary or medical advice. Therefore, if you have any concerns, you should carefully follow their guidelines and talk to your healthcare provider.

If you have an existing health condition, it is also important to consult a medical provider or registered dietitian before starting a new diet program.


The Optivia diet severely limits calories and relies heavily on processed and packaged foods. As such, it is expensive, difficult to maintain, and can be detrimental to your health. Also, their instructors are not qualified to offer dietary advice.

Must Eat Food

In the Optovia 5 and 1 plans, the only foods are Optovia Fuelings and a fatty, green meal every day.

These meals consist primarily of sleeve protein, healthy fats, and low-carbohydrate vegetables, including serving fatty fish twice a week. Some spices and low-carb drinks are also allowed in small quantities.

Approved foods in your daily thin and green diet include:

Meat: chicken, turkey, lean beef, game meats, lamb, pork chop or tenderloin, ground meat (at least 85% lean)

Fish and shellfish: halibut, trout, salmon, tuna, lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops

Eggs: whole eggs, egg whites, Egg Beaters

Soy products: only tofu

Vegetable oils: canola, flaxseed, walnut, and olive oil

Additional healthy fats: low carb salad dressings, olives, reduced-fat margarine, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, avocado

Low carb vegetables: collard greens, spinach, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, broccoli, peppers, spaghetti squash, jicama

Sugar-free snacks: popsicles, gelatin, gum, mints

Sugar-free beverages: water, unsweetened almond milk, tea, coffee

Condiments and seasonings: dried herbs, spices, salt, lemon juice, lime juice, yellow mustard, soy sauce, salsa, sugar-free syrup, zero-calorie sweeteners, 1/2 teaspoon only of ketchup, cocktail sauce, or barbecue sauce


Optivia 5 and 1 plans include home-cooked meals consisting primarily of high-fat protein and low-carb vegetables and some healthy fats. Only low carb drinks such as water, flavored almond milk, coffee, and tea are allowed.

To Avoid Food

With the exception of the carbohydrates in prepackaged Optovia fuels, most carbohydrate foods and drinks are prohibited during the 5 & 1 plan. Some fatty foods are also limited.

Foods to avoid, unless fuel is included, include:

  • Fried foods: meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, pastries
  • Refined grains: white bread, pasta, biscuits, pancakes, flour tortillas, crackers, white rice, cookies, cakes, pastries
  • Some fats: butter, coconut oil, solid condensate
  • Whole dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt
  • Alcohol: all varieties
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages: sodas, fruit juices, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened tea

The following feeds are out of range during plans 5 and 1, but have been added back during the 6-week transition phase and approved during plans 3 and 3:

  • Fruits: all fresh fruits
  • Low-fat or skim milk: yogurt, milk, cheese
  • Whole grains: whole wheat bread, high fiber breakfast cereals, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta
  • Lemons: peas, lentils, beans, soybeans.
  • Starchy vegetables: sweet potatoes, white potatoes, corn, peas
  • During transition episodes and plans 3 and 3, you are especially encouraged to eat berries more than other fruits, as they are low in carbohydrates.


You should avoid all refined grains, sugary drinks, fried foods, and alcohol on the Optovia diet. During the conversion and maintenance phase, some sugary foods are added back in, such as low-fat dairy and fresh fruit.

Sample Menu

Here's a look at one of the best 5 and 1 weight plans:

Fueling  1: 2 Tbsp (30 ml) unsweetened maple syrup with essential pancakes with golden chocolate chips

Fueling  2: Emergency Rainy Berry Crisp Bar

Fueling  3: Cheddar Poppers in the required jalapenos

Fueling  4: Homemade Chicken Flavored Vegetable Noodle Soup Needed

Fueling  5: Strawberry Shake Needed

Thin and green dishes: 6 ounces (172 g) of cooked grilled chicken breast with 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of olive oil, small amounts of avocado and salsa, and 1.5 cups (160 g) of mixed bell peppers with cooked VG They are done, zucchini and broccoli

Snack: 1 fruit-flavored sugar-free fruit popsicle


Optimal Weights 5 and 1 During the plan, consume 5 fuels a day, as well as a low-carb, green meal and a low-carb and low-carb breakfast.


The Optovia diet promotes weight loss through low-calorie prepackaged foods, low carb homemade meals, and personalized training.

Initial Plans 5 and 1 are fairly limited, although Maintenance Stages 3 and 3 allow for a variety of less processed foods and snacks that can facilitate long-term weight loss and adherence.

However, diets are expensive, repetitive, and do not meet all dietary needs. What's more, the increased calorie restriction can lead to nutritional deficiencies and other potential health problems.

While the program encourages short-term weight and fat loss, more research is needed to determine if it encourages the lasting lifestyle changes necessary for long-term success.

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