Smart diet plan -tips to lose belly fat in 2 weeks - Rules our Fitness


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Monday, 4 May 2020

Smart diet plan -tips to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

Smart diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

What is fat ?     
  Fat is  calories in - calories out = extra calories   = fat.
mean extra calories is fat .
Smart diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

We need to know the main reasons for weight gain, then we will know the way to lose weight. 
There is a formula for weight control, calories in = calories out. All the foods I eat every day store calories in our body. The things I do every day.Such as running, doing different things etc. All this is done by the stored calories. People need calories just like cars run on petrol. If we continue to consume more calories than our body needs. Then that excess calorie starts to be stored in the body as fat. As a result, our body weight continues to increase day by day. But it is wrong to think that if I consume less calories then I will lose weight. Being overweight is not good as well as underweight is not good, it causes symptoms of various diseases in the body. So the formula for maintaining proper weight is calorie in = calorie out.We think that going to the field and running and exercising will help you lose weight. This is a misconception. 90% of weight loss depends on what you eat each day and 10% depends on what you are doing each day.
  There are two chances you can choose any one .
Example 1. You have two key options. You ate a whole chocolate and added 1000 calories to your body and ran 1.30 hours to consume those calories.   2. You didn't eat chocolate or ate less 200 calories and ran for 20 minutes to burn calories.
bally fat lose workout

5 Simple idea to weight loss

Now start:

SAMRT IDEA  1:EAT SLOWLY:The main reason for the accumulation of more calories in the body than required is to eat more and the main reason for eating more is to eat early.   Over calorie = over eating = fast eating

The amount of calories our body needs, that is, the signal that our stomach is full, reaches the brain from our stomach 20 minutes after we start eating. But in most cases we finish eating before that. So we consume more calories because we eat more food.

 There are also various benefits to eating slowly Such as,
1. EASIEST WEIGHT LOSS: It has been scientifically proven that scientists have done a study on some women. Fast drying allows them to consume 646 calories in 9 minutes. Again they consume 570 calories in 29 minutes by eating slowly. They ate 67 calories less after eating for more than 20 minutes. Now imagine that if you try to sing slowly 4 times a day, you are consuming 4 * 67 = 268 calories less per day which is equivalent to running for 15 minutes. 

2.MORE SATISFACTION : The women in that study not only consumed more calories by eating fast, but they also started feeling more hungry after 1 hour of eating. In a comparative way, they ate slowly. From this it is understood that the stomach gets full after eating slowly.

SMART IDEA 2.USE SMALLER PLATES:A study by journal of the association for consumer research canter . Studies have shown that reducing the diameter of the dish by 30% reduces food intake by 30%. However, there are two condition in this case.

1.You have to  serve your onw food . 
 2. How much food I ate should not be controlled by myself or anyone else. At least in a simple way you can consume 30% less calories. It doesn't seem to be easy. 

SMART IDEA 3.CARDIO IN EMPTY STOMACH:We think extra exercise is needed to lose weight although 10% depends on the [fat]weight loss exercise. There are some great caddies that can help you lose weight fast. Cardio exercises are those ray exercises that increase heart rate.  

Example: RUNNING, swimming,ete   
runnig cardio

 Now the question is why do cardio? After 7-8 hours of sleep at night and exercising on an empty stomach in the morning, the body suddenly needs energy.  So it is much easier to do cardio on an empty stomach 
than to exercise or workout on a full stomach.

SMART IDEA 4:SAY NO TO WATER BETWEEN MEALS:One of our worst habits is to drink water while eating. Digestive juices are secreted in the stomach for digestion of food. The water consumed during meals mixes with them and suspends their concentration and effectiveness. As a result, the food is not digested properly and is absorbed by the body. Which raises the level of insulin in the blood which in turn increases the amount of fat in the body. One study found that drinking water as needed 30 minutes 

before meals and 1 hour after meals. In order to avoid drinking water at night while eating, less salt and sugar should be used in cooking.another advantage of water is that you should drink less than 2 liters of water to say healthy.
Smart diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

SMART IDEA 5: NEVER STAY HUNGRY:Looking at the previous issues, you may think that you have been told to eat less. It is true that there is talk of eating less but not of eating less on an empty stomach. The main purpose is not to eat less food The main purpose is not to eat more than necessary. The chance to eat more is when we are hungry. Then we eat mentally so we don't remember this rule and eat more than we need. So doctors say to eat something every 3 hours.

SUMMARY: You can also lose weight if you change your daily .

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