Sugar Busters Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss? - Rules our Fitness


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Wednesday 6 January 2021

Sugar Busters Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

 Sugar Busters Diet Review: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

The Sugar Booster diet has grown in popularity in recent decades.

Based on a book published by a team of physicians in 1995, the diet focuses on limiting synthesized carbohydrates and adding added sugars while increasing lean protein, healthy fats, and high-fiber fruits and vegetables.

While some dismiss it as a small amount compared to the Fed diet, others claim that the plan can increase weight loss, control blood sugar levels, and improve heart health.

This article reviews the Sugar Buster diet and whether it is effective for weight loss.

Sugar Busters Diet Review

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How does it work?

The Sugar Busters Diet Sugar is based on the "toxic" theory and can cause weight gain by increasing levels of insulin, hormones that carry sugar out of the bloodstream and into cells.

Insulin is also responsible for controlling energy storage in your body. Chronic elevated insulin levels have been linked to weight gain in many studies.

To lower insulin levels, the plan focuses on eliminating foods with a high glycemic index (GI), a measure of how much and how quickly blood sugar levels rise in certain foods.

Rather than high-carbohydrate alternatives like pasta, white flour, and sweets, diets encourage low-glycemic, high-fiber foods like lemons, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein.

Diet guidelines

The authors recommend limiting carbohydrates to about 40% of your daily calories, 30% from fat and 30% from protein.

Although the authors consider the diet to be a "suitable sugary lifestyle," some sources may define the macronutrient ratio as a light, low-carbohydrate diet.

The book also suggests limiting saturated fat by choosing low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat.

Plus, you don't have to count calories and you don't have strict guidelines on how much physical activity to include in your daily routine.

Refined carbohydrates and processed foods are recommended in the diet to reduce calorie intake and nutritional deficiencies.

The authors claim that eating healthy high-fiber ingredients helps stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, and help control blood pressure.


The Sugar Busters diet restricts foods with a high glycemic index and encourages high-fiber and low-glycemic foods, such as lemons, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein.

Can it help you lose weight?

The Sugar Buster Diet doesn't require you to look for calorie or nutrient counts, but it does suggest cutting back on refined carbohydrates and added sugars.

Although research is limited, evidence suggests that it may be an effective weight loss strategy.

For example, a study of 2,834 adults found that eating more refined carbohydrates was associated with increased abdominal fat, while eating more whole grains was associated with less abdominal fat.

Another large review of 32 studies showed that sugar-sweetened beverages were associated with weight gain in both adults and children.

On the other hand, eating large amounts of fiber can stabilize blood sugar levels and slow stomach emptying to increase feelings of fullness, reduce calorie intake, and promote weight loss.

Many studies have also found that low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets, such as the sugar booster diet, are effective in reducing appetite, losing weight, and reducing body fat.

A 10-week study of 89 overweight and obese women compared the effects of a high-carbon, low-fat diet with a diet high in protein and fiber.

Participants on high-fiber and high-protein diets significantly reduced body weight and body fat compared to high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets.

Therefore, the Sugar Busters diet may help reduce appetite and reduce calorie intake to promote weight loss, although the diet itself needs more research.


Cutting down on refined carbohydrates and added sugars while increasing your fiber intake helps you lose weight. Some studies also show that low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets can promote weight loss and fat burning.

Other benefits

In addition to supporting weight loss, the Sugar Busters Diet can be linked to a number of other health benefits.

Since it restricts high-glycemic foods and refined carbohydrates, it can help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve heart health.

In a 2-year study of 307 people, following a low-carbohydrate diet improved several risk factors for heart disease.

Those on a low-carb diet have higher HDL (good) cholesterol, as well as diastolic blood pressure (floor number), triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Another study found that low-carbohydrate diets were more effective than hemoglobin A1C, which lowers blood-sugar fasting in people with type 1 diabetes and controls long-term blood sugar. D.

Also, eliminating added sugars can reduce inflammation in your body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to the onset and progression of many conditions, including heart disease, certain cancers, and obesity.

Other benefits of the Sugar Buster Diet are that it requires minimal knowledge of nutrition, is easy to follow, and has no complicated rules or regulations.

This makes it a great option for those who want to lose weight and improve health without investing in expensive diet products or counting calories and macronutrients.


In addition to promoting weight loss, the Sugar Booster Diet helps control blood sugar levels, improve heart health, and reduce inflammation.

Possible downsides

The Sugar Booster Diet relies heavily on restricting certain foods that contain important vitamins and minerals, such as certain starchy fruits or vegetables.

Instead of emphasizing a healthy, balanced diet, foods in the Sugar Busters diet are labeled as "good" or "bad" which can contribute to the development of unhealthy eating behaviors.

Also, cutting out added sugars and refined carbohydrates can improve overall health, eliminating sugary foods from your diet altogether in the long run can be difficult and worrying for many.

Alternatives to aspartame, saccharin and sucrose are also encouraged in the diet.

While these popular desserts are approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), research suggests that they may have adverse health effects.

For example, artificial sweeteners can negatively affect blood sugar control, appetite and body weight, and have harmful effects on healthy bacteria in your gut.

Additionally, the Sugar Buster Diet does not provide specific directions for other key factors that are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, such as portion size or physical activity.

Thus, the diet may be effective for short-term weight loss, but for long-term success it must be combined with other lifestyle changes and behavioral changes.


The Sugar Booster Diet eliminates many foods that contain important nutrients, does not address other lifestyle factors such as exercise, and may be limited to excessive doses that can encourage unhealthy eating behaviors.

Must eat food

The Sugar Boosters Diet encourages low-glycemic fruits, as well as high-fiber foods such as whole grains and vegetables.

Fatty protein, healthy fats and low-fat, sugar-free milk are allowed.

The diet recommends the following foods:

Fruits: Apple, Orange, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Peach, Watermelon etc.

Vegetables: Asparagus, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes etc.

Whole grains: oats, brown rice, barley, bacon, cascades, etc.

Proteins: fatty meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, fruits

Dairy products: low-fat or low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt with no added sugar

Fats: Almonds, seeds, olive oil, vegetable oil, etc.

Sugar substitutes: stevia, sucrose, saccharin, aspartame etc.

Alcohol: Red Wine (Moderate)


Sugar boosters allow no added sugar in the diet other than fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, healthy fats, sugar substitutes and low-fat milk.

To avoid food

High-glycemic fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains should be avoided on the Sugar Busters diet.

Processed foods, sugary drinks, and sweeteners like sugar, honey, and syrup should also be excluded.

Foods to limit include:

High glycemic index fruits: pineapple, ripe banana, mango, kiwis, nuts, etc.

Starchy vegetables: potatoes, corn, banana, peas, parsnips, etc.

Fine grains: white bread, pasta, white rice, and white flour products.

Processed foods: crackers, chips, prepaid snacks, fast food, etc.

Sweeteners: sugar, honey, syrup, agave, etc.

Delicious food: ice cream, candy, cookies, cakes, etc.

Sugary drinks: soft drinks, sports drinks, sweet tea, fruit juices, etc.

Alcohol: beer and sugary drinks


High glycemic index fruits, starchy vegetables, whole grains, processed and sweet foods, sweet and sugar-sweetened beverages should be avoided on the sugar booster diet.

Sample menu

In addition to restricting certain foods, the Sugar Buster diet is extremely flexible and easy to follow.

Here's a sample 3-day menu for the Sugar Buster diet:

Day 1

Breakfast: Vegetable omelette with peppers, onions, broccoli and tomatoes

Lunch: Grilled chicken with fried shells and brown rice.

Dinner: Zucchini noodles with chicken meatballs and marinara sauce.

Appetizers: Wage sticks with hummus, apple slices and a handful of walnuts

Day 2

Breakfast: Almond milk shake with whey protein, spinach and strawberries.

Lunch: baked salmon with sweet potato slices and salad.

Dinner: Grilled salad Grilled chicken, spinach, low-fat feta cheese, tomato, olive, onion, cucumber, and olive oil

Appetizers: garlic fried lentils, hard-boiled eggs, and chopped pears

Day 3

Breakfast: oatmeal with cinnamon and low-fat natural yogurt with red berries

Lunch: peppers stuffed with turkey, quinoa, onion, tomato, garlic and skim cheese.

Dinner: Add the beef, broccoli, chili, cabbage, and onion.

Appetizers: lime chips, chopped peaches, and low-fat cottage cheese


A sample menu of the Sugar Buster diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and a good variety of low-glycemic protein fats.

Bottom line

The Sugar Buster diet cuts down on refined carbohydrates and adds sugars while promoting certain fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fatty proteins, and healthy fats.

Its principles have been shown to help with weight loss, blood sugar control, and heart health, but the diet itself has not been studied.

If you want to give the diet a try, it is best combined with other lifestyle and behavior changes to maximize your potential for long-term weight loss and overall health.

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