9 Proven Ways to Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight - Rules our Fitness


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Sunday 14 February 2021

9 Proven Ways to Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

 9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

Your weight is largely controlled by hormones.

Research shows that hormones affect your appetite and the amount of fat you store.

Here are 9 ways to "fix" the hormones that control your weight.

9 Proven Ways to Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight
This image source by pexels.com

1. Insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas.

It hides in small amounts throughout the day and in large amounts after meals.

Insulin allows your cells to make blood sugar for energy or storage, depending on current needs.

Insulin is also the body's fat storage hormone. It tells fat cells to store fat and prevents stored fat from breaking down.

When cells become resistant to insulin (very common), both blood sugar and insulin levels rise significantly.

Chronically elevated levels of insulin (known as hyperinsulinemia) can lead to many health problems, including obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Excessive exercise, especially sugar, refined carbohydrates, and fast food, promotes insulin resistance and increases insulin levels.

Here are some tips to normalize insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity:

Avoid or reduce sugar: High amounts of fructose and sucrose promote insulin resistance and increase insulin levels.

Reduce Carbs: A low carb diet can lower insulin levels instantly.

Protein replenishment - Protein actually increases insulin in the short term. However, it can help you lose belly fat and get a long-term reduction in insulin resistance.

Include lots of healthy fats: The omega-3 fats found in fatty fish help lower your rosary insulin levels.

Get regular exercise: A study of overweight women who walked or suppressed tremors improved insulin sensitivity after 14 weeks.

Get enough magnesium - Insulin resistant people often have less magnesium, and magnesium supplements can improve insulin sensitivity.

Drink green tea: Green tea can lower insulin and blood sugar levels.


Insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. The best way to lower insulin levels is to cut back on sugar, cut down on carbs, and exercise.

2. Leptin

Leptin is produced by fat cells.

It is considered a "satiety hormone" that reduces your appetite and makes you feel full.

As a signaling hormone, its function is to communicate with the hypothalamus, the part of your brain that controls appetite and food intake.

Leptin tells the brain that there is enough fat stored and that it is no longer needed, helping to avoid overeating.

People who are overweight or obese often have very high levels of leptin in their blood. In fact, one study found that leptin levels in obese people were 4 times higher than in people of normal weight.

If leptin reduces appetite, obese people with high levels of leptin should start eating less and losing weight.

Unfortunately, in obesity, the leptin system does not work as well as it should. It is characterized by being resistant to leptin.

When leptin signaling is off, the message to stop eating doesn't reach your brain, so you don't realize you have adequate energy storage.

In short, your brain thinks you are hungry, so you are driven to eat.

Leptin levels have also decreased as you lose weight, which is one of the main reasons that weight loss is so difficult to maintain long-term. The brain thinks you are hungry and pressures you to eat more.

Two possible causes of leptin resistance are increased levels of insulin in the hypothalamus and inflammation.

Here are some suggestions on how to improve leptin sensitivity:

Avoid inflammatory foods: Limit foods that cause heartburn, especially sugary drinks and trans fats.

Eat certain foods: Eat more anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish

Practice regularly - moderate activity can improve leptin sensitivity.

Get enough sleep: Studies have shown that lack of sleep reduces leptin levels and increases appetite.

Supplements: One study found that women on a weight loss diet who took alpha-lipoic acid and fish oil lost weight and had lower levels of leptin compared to the control group.


Obese people tend to be resistant to the effects of leptin. Eating anti-inflammatory foods, exercising and getting enough sleep can improve leptin sensitivity

3. Ghrelin

Ghrelin is known as a “hunger hormone”. When your stomach is empty, it releases ghrelin, which sends a message to the hypothalamus to eat it.

Ghrelin levels are usually highest before meals and lowest one hour after meals.

However, overweight and obese people usually have lower levels of rosacea ghrelin than overweight people.

Studies have further shown that after obese people eat, ghrelin is only slightly reduced. Because of this, the hypothalamus does not receive such a strong signal to stop eating, which can lead to overwork.

Here are some tips to improve ghrelin function:

Sugar: Avoid high fructose corn syrup and sugary drinks, which can affect the ghrelin reaction after eating.

Protein: Eating protein in every meal, especially in the morning, can reduce satiety and increase satiety.


Avoiding foods and drinks that are high in protein and high in sugar helps to optimize ghrelin levels.

4. Cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands.

This is known as the "stress hormone" because it detects stress in your body when it is released.

Like other hormones, it is important for survival. However, prolonged elevated cortisol levels can lead to overeating and weight gain.

It appears that overweight women in the middle region respond to stress with cortisol growth.

However, strict diet can also increase cortisol. One study found that women who ate a low-calorie diet had higher levels of cortisol and felt more stressed than those who followed a normal diet.

These strategies can reduce cortisol levels:

Balanced diet: Eat unbalanced food based on real food. Do not cut calories at extremely low levels.

Meditation: Meditation practice can significantly reduce cortisol production.

Listen to the song:. The researchers reported that cortisol did not increase as much when relaxing music was played during the treatment process.

Get more sleep: A study found that when pilots lose 15 hours of sleep in a week, their cortisol levels increase by 50-80%.


High court levels can lead to weight gain in food intake and weight gain. Eating a balanced diet, managing stress and getting more sleep helps normalize cortisol production.

5. Estrogen

Estrogen is the most important female sex hormone.

It is mainly produced by the ovaries and participates in the control of the female reproductive system.

Both very high and low levels of estrogen can lead to weight gain. It depends on age, action of other hormones and general state of health.

To maintain fertility during the reproductive years, estrogen begins to promote fat storage during adolescence.

Also, it can encourage fat gain in the first half of pregnancy.

Obese women have higher estrogen levels than normal overweight women and some researchers believe that this is due to environmental influences.

During menopause, when estrogen levels decrease because the ovaries produce less, the fat storage site shifts from the hips and thighs to the abdominal visceral fat. It promotes insulin resistance and increases the risk of disease.

These nutrition and lifestyle strategies can help control estrogen:

Fiber - If you want to lower your estrogen levels, eat plenty of fiber.

Cruciferous vegetables: Eating cruciferous vegetables can have beneficial effects on estrogen.

Pseudo seeds: Although the phytoestrogens in them are controversial, horn seeds seem to have beneficial effects for estrogen in most cases.

Exercise - Physical activity can help normalize estrogen levels in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.


When estrogen levels are too high or too low, weight gain can occur. It depends on age and other hormonal factors.

6. Neuropeptide Y (NPY)

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a hormone produced by cells of the brain and nervous system.

It awakens the appetite, especially for sugars and is highest during fasting or food deprivation.

Neuropeptide Y levels improve during a stroke, which can lead to overeating and increased abdominal fat.

Recommendations to reduce NPY:

Adequate protein intake: Eating too little protein has increased the release of NPY, leading to hunger, food intake, and weight gain.

Don't fast for too long - Animal studies have shown that fasting for too long, such as 24 hours, can dramatically increase NPY levels.

Soluble Fiber - Eating large amounts of soluble prebiotic fiber to feed favorable gut bacteria can lower NPY levels.


Neuropeptide Y (NPY) stimulates appetite, especially during fasting and stress. Protein and soluble fiber can help reduce NPY.

7. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)

Glucagon Peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a hormone that is produced in the intestine when nutrients enter the intestine.

GLP-1 plays a key role in stabilizing blood sugar levels and making you feel full.

Researchers believe that the weight loss soon after surgery is due in part to increased GLP-1 production.

One study found that men who received a GLP-1 solution with breakfast felt more satisfied and ended up eating 12% fewer calories at lunch.

Suggestions for increasing GLP-1:

Get plenty of protein: Protein-rich foods like fish, whey protein, and yogurt have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity by increasing GLP-1 levels.

Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Reduction of chronic inflammation is associated with GLP-1 production.

Leafy vegetables: One study found that vegetarians who ate a variety of vegetables and vegetarian foods experienced higher levels of GLP-1 and lost more weight than the control group.

Probiotics: In an animal study, a probiotic supplement increased GLP-1 levels, which resulted in a reduction in food intake.


GLP-1 can reduce appetite and increase weight loss. Eating large amounts of protein and vegetables can help boost your levels.

8. Cholecystokinin (CC)

Like GLP-1, cholecystokinin (CC) is another saturated hormone produced by intestinal cells.

Both weak and obese people have been shown to have high doses of CC to reduce food intake.

Strategies to increase CC:

Protein - Eat plenty of protein at every meal.

Healthy Fats: Eating fat releases CC.

Fiber - One study found that when men ate bean-based foods, their CC levels doubled when they ate low-fiber foods.


CC is a hormone that reduces appetite and is produced by ingesting protein, fat, and fiber.

9. Peptide Y (PYY)

Peptide Y (PYY) is another intestinal hormone that controls appetite.

It is excreted by cells in the intestines and colon.

The YY peptide is believed to play an important role in reducing food intake and the risk of obesity.

Strategies to increase PYY:

Low Carb Diet: You must follow a low carb diet based on removable foods to keep your blood sugar levels stable. High blood sugar can damage the effects of PY.

Protein: eat lots of animal or plant proteins

Fiber: eat lots of fiber.


To increase PPY levels and reduce your appetite, try to avoid processed carbohydrates and eat plenty of protein and fiber.

 Anything else?

Hormones work together to increase or decrease appetite and fat storage.

If the system is not working properly, you may have ongoing weight problems.

Fortunately, diet and lifestyle changes can have a strong effect on these hormones.

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