How to Lose 20 Pounds as Fast as Possible - Rules our Fitness


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Monday 15 February 2021

How to Lose 20 Pounds as Fast as Possible

 How to Lose 20 Pounds as Fast as Possible

Losing weight can be an incredible challenge, whether you want to lose five pounds or 20.

It requires not only diet and lifestyle changes but also a lot of patience.

Fortunately, using a combination of proven techniques can make weight loss easier and more meaningful.

Here are the how-to lose 20 pounds top 10 ways to quickly and safely.

How to Lose 20 Pounds as Fast as Possible
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1. Count the calories

While this may sound like a brain, counting calories is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight fast.

Weight loss will be followed by constant fatigue and tiredness.

Although cutting calories alone is not generally considered a sustainable way to lose weight, counting calories can be an effective tool for effective weight loss when combined with other diet and lifestyle changes.

Keeping an eye on your calorie intake can increase your awareness of what you are putting on your plate, giving you the knowledge you need to make healthy choices.

Interestingly, a review of 37 studies found that weight loss programs lost 7.3 pounds (3.3 kg) more weight than those that included calorie counting.

Try consuming your calories using an app or a food diary.


When combined with other diet and lifestyle changes, calorie counting can help you make healthier weight loss decisions.

2. Drink more water

Encouraging your water intake is an easy way to increase weight loss with minimal effort.

In fact, one study found that combining a low-calorie diet with an increase in water intake before meals resulted in 44% more weight loss in 12 weeks.

Studies have shown that water metabolism can increase neck weight loss, temporarily increasing the calories the body burns after eating.

A study of 14 adults found that drinking 16.9 fluid ounces (500 ml) of water increased metabolism by 30% after 30 to 40 minutes.

Drinking water with meals can also make you feel full to reduce your appetite and eat.

For example, a small study found that drinking 16.9 ounces (500 ml) of water before a meal reduced subsequent calories by 13%.

For best results, drink at least 34-668 ounces (1-2 liters) of water per day to maximize weight loss.


Drinking water can temporarily increase your metabolism and reduce your appetite for weight loss. For best results, drink at least 34-668 ounces (1-2 liters) of water per day.

3. Increase your protein intake

It is absolutely essential to losing 20 pounds quickly with more protein-rich foods in your diet.

A high protein diet has been linked to the reduction of abdominal fat, as well as the preservation of muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss.

Protein can also help reduce your appetite and reduce your calorie intake.

A study of 19 adults found that a 15% increase in protein intake increased feelings of fullness and significantly reduced calorie intake, belly fat, and body weight.

Another study found that eating a high-protein breakfast lowered levels of gherlin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, to a much higher degree than a breakfast high in carbohydrates.

Meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, nuts, and seeds are some of the healthiest sources of protein that you can easily add to your diet.


Protein has been shown to reduce belly fat and body weight. It can promote a feeling of fullness to reduce calorie intake.

4. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

Reducing your refined sugar intake is another effective strategy to accelerate weight loss.

Refined carbohydrates are stripped of their nutrients and fiber during processing, resulting in the final product that is poor in nutrients.

Also, they have a high glycemic index, which means they are quickly digested and absorbed. Rapid digestion spikes increase and blood sugar levels decrease, then appetite increases.

Consuming large amounts of refined carbohydrates has been linked to body fat and weight gain.

For example, a study of 2,6334 people found that refined sugars were associated with an increase in nationally high levels of belly fat, while high levels of whole grains were associated with lower levels of belly fat.

A similar finding was made in another small study, reporting that a diet rich in whole grains focused on refined grains reduced both body weight and calorie intake compared to a diet.

To get started, remove empty refined grains in the pasta, white bread, cereals, and packaged products for healthier, whole-grain alternatives like quinoa, brown rice, or barley.


Refined carbohydrates can increase appetite levels and be associated with increased belly fat and weight gain compared to whole grains.

5. Start lifting weights

Prevention training is a type of exercise that involves working against energy to increase muscle strength and endurance.

Adding resistance training to your routine can increase fat burning and metabolism to help you burn even more calories at rest.

One review found that 10 weeks of prevention training could increase metabolism by 7%, stabilize blood sugar in people with diabetes, and reduce 4 pounds of fat in adults.

Meanwhile, another study of 94 women suggested that resistance training after weight loss preserves lean mass and metabolism, which allows the body to burn more calories throughout the day.

Start at school, going to the gym at home or doing bodyweight exercises like boards and lounges.


Prevention training can increase metabolism and preserve fat-free mass, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.

6. Eat more fiber

The fiber travels slowly and unobtrusively through your GI tract and continues to empty your stomach slowly so that you feel full.

A study of healthy men found that consuming 33 grams of invisible fiber, which is commonly found in wheat and vegetables, was effective in reducing both appetite and food intake.

The theoretical-stimulating effects of fiber can be of great benefit in weight management.

One review found that an increase in fiber intake of 14 grams per day was associated with a 10% reduction in caloric intake and 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) of weight loss in four months without any other diet or lifestyle changes.

Furthermore, a 20-month study of 252 women found that 0.5 grams (0.25 kg) less body weight and 0.25% less body fat were added to each gram of dietary fiber.

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are sources of fiber which is an integral part of a healthy weight loss diet.


Fiber keeps you full to reduce your appetite and eating which can lead to weight loss.

7. Establish a bedtime schedule

While there's no question that changing your diet and exercise routine are the two most important ways to lose 20 pounds, the amount of sleep you get can play a role, too.

In fact, a study of 245 women found that getting at least seven hours a night for both and having a good quality of sleep increased their chances of weight loss success by 33%.

And just as getting enough sleep can set you up for success, lack of sleep can slowly build up over time.

A later study of 686,133 women over the age of 16 found that those who slept five hours or less gained an average of 2.5 pounds (1.14 kg) more than women who slept at least seven hours a night.

Another study found that a single night of sleep deprivation can even increase levels of hunger hormones that can increase appetite and gain weight.

To establish a healthier sleep cycle and increase weight loss, try consuming your caffeine before bed with every dinner.


Adequate sleep and better quality of sleep can benefit weight loss. On the contrary, lack of sleep can lead to an increase in appetite and weight.

8. Be responsible

Staying committed to your weight loss goals is the key to long-term success. There are several ways to do this.

For example, weighing yourself every day has been associated with greater weight loss and the risk of losing weight compared to being overweight.

Research further suggests that keeping a diet journal to self-monitor your eating and your progress can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer.

You can try partnering with a friend or joining an online weight loss community to boost your motivation and follow your goals.


Being responsible can help increase weight loss. Weighing yourself every day, keeping a food diary, and teaming up with a friend are all effective weight loss strategies.

9. Add cardio to your routine

Whether you want to lose a pound or 20, adding cardio to your routine is a must.

Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is a form of physical activity that increases the heart rate and helps strengthen the heart and lungs.

In addition, it increases the calories that your body burns so that you lose fat and weight.

A study of 141 overweight and obese participants showed that cardiovascular exercise alone was effective in inducing significant weight loss.

In fact, performing cardio to burn 400 calories or 600 calories five times a week for 10 months resulted in an average weight loss of 8.6 pounds (3.9 kg) and 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg), respectively.

Another study found a similar finding that six months of cardiovascular exercise resulted in a 9% reduction in body weight among 141 obese adults.

To maximize weight loss, aim for 150 to 300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week or 20 to 40 minutes per day.

Walking, running, jumping rope, rowing, and boxing are some simple and enjoyable cardio exercises that can enhance weight loss.


Cardio can increase your body's calorie-burning rate for both weight gain and fat loss.

10. Eat slowly and carefully

Mindfulness is a practice that involves becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings as you focus on your moments.

Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can help you lose weight and reduce your appetite, but also allows you to enjoy your food.

For example, a small study found that eating slowly increased the feeling of satiety hormones and fullness rather than eating faster.

Similarly, a study of 30 healthy women showed that eating slowly resulted in a reduction in calorie intake and a feeling of fullness compared to eating faster.

Another review of 19 studies found that mindfulness interventions were able to significantly increase weight loss in 68% of studies.

When eating to help you feel comfortable and enjoy yourself, try to chew your food better and reduce distractions when drinking water with your food.


Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can increase the feeling of fullness, reduce calorie intake and increase weight loss.


While losing 20 pounds may seem like a big challenge, it can be done quickly and safely by making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

For best results, mix and match these tips to improve both weight loss and overall health.

With a little patience and determination, it is entirely possible to lose 20 pounds in no time to reach your weight loss goal.

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