How Eating Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight - Rules our Fitness


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Friday 12 February 2021

How Eating Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight

 How Eating Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight

Nuts are extremely healthy, as they are packed with nutrients and antioxidants.

In fact, they have been linked to a wide range of health benefits, including protection against heart disease and diabetes.

However, they are also high in fat and calories, causing many people to avoid nuts for fear that they are putting on weight.

How Eating Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight
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This article looks at the evidence to determine whether nuts promote weight loss or gain weight.

Nuts are High in Fat and Calories

Nuts are high in calories.

This is because much of it is fat, which is a concentrated source of energy. A gram of fat contains 9 calories, while a gram of carbohydrates or protein contains only 4 calories.

Walnuts contain mostly unsaturated fats. This type of fat is associated with protection against many different diseases, such as heart disease.

Below is the calorie and fat content per one-ounce (28-gram) serving of some commonly eaten nuts:

Walnuts: 183 calories and 18 grams of fat.

Brazil nuts: 184 calories and 19 grams of fat.

Almonds: 161 calories and 14 grams of fat.

Pistachios: 156 calories and 12 grams of fat.

Cashews: 155 calories and 12 grams of fat.

Because they are high in fat and calories, many people assume that adding nuts to their diet will lead to weight gain.

However, as discussed below, scientific studies do not support this.


Nuts are high in calories, as they are high in fat, a concentrated source of energy. Even small servings are high in fat and calories.

Eating Nuts Regularly is not linked to Weight Gain

Several observational studies have found that eating nuts regularly is not associated with weight gain and may even prevent it.

For example, one study looked at the diets of 8,865 men and women for 28 months.

It found that those who ate two or more servings of nuts a week had a 31% lower risk of weight gain, compared to those who never or rarely ate them.

Additionally, a review of 36 studies found that regular nut consumption was not related to weight gain, body mass index (BMI), or waist size.

In controlled studies in which participants had to follow a strict diet, adding many different types of nuts did not cause changes in body weight.

More importantly, in studies in which walnuts were added to the diets of people who could eat their way, consuming walnuts did not lead to weight gain.

That said, a small number of studies have reported that eating walnuts were associated with an increase in body weight.

However, any weight gain was very small, much lower than expected, and tended to be negligible in the long run.


Studies have found that eating nuts regularly does not promote weight gain, regardless of whether people are on a strict diet or eating as they please. In some cases, they protect against weight gain.

Eating Nuts can even Increase Weight Loss

Several large observational studies have found that more frequent walnut consumption is associated with lower body weight.

It's not clear why this is the case, but it may be partly due to the healthier lifestyle choices of nut eaters.

However, human studies show that including walnuts as part of a diet to lose weight does not hinder weight loss. In fact, weight loss often increases.

For example, a study of 65 overweight or obese people compared a low-calorie diet supplemented with almonds with a low-calorie diet supplemented with complex carbohydrates.

They ate equal amounts of calories, protein, cholesterol, and saturated fat.

At the end of the 24-week period, those on the almond diet had a 62% greater reduction in weight and BMI, a 50% greater reduction in waist circumference, and a 56% greater reduction in fat mass.

In other studies, calorie-controlled diets containing nuts resulted in a similar amount of weight loss as a nut-free, calorie-controlled diet.

However, the group that consumed nuts experienced improvements in cholesterol, including a reduction in "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. This benefit was not experienced by those who ate nut-free diets.


Eating nuts regularly as part of a weight-loss diet can increase weight loss and improve cholesterol.

Walnut nuts can help reduce your appetite and increase the feeling of fullness

Adding walnuts to your diet is associated with reduced appetite and feeling full for a long time.

For example, eating nuts has been shown to reduce appetite and cravings.

One survey asked more than 200 people to eat peanuts as a snack.

The result was that they naturally ate fewer calories day after day. This effect was greater when peanuts were eaten as a snack than as a staple food.

Its appetite suppressant effects are thought to both help control appetite, possibly due to the increased production of the hormonal peptide YY (PYY) and/or cholecystokinin (CC).

The theory is that the high content of proteins and unsaturated fats may be responsible for this effect.

Studies suggest that 54-104% of the extra calories from adding nuts to the diet are eliminated by the natural reduction of another food intake.

In other words, eating nuts as a snack enhances the feeling of fullness, resulting in less eating of other foods.


Almond use is associated with decreased appetite and greater feelings of satiety. This means that people who take them naturally eat less during the day.

Only the fatty part is absorbed during digestion

The structure and high fiber content of walnuts means that if they are not fully ground or chewed a good proportion will be reduced through the intestines.

Instead, it is emptied into the intestines. As a result, some nutrients, such as fats, are not absorbed and are instead lost in the stall.

This is another reason why walnuts seem to be friendly to weight loss.

In fact, studies have shown that after eating walnuts, the amount of fat lost through stool increases by 5% to more than 20%.

This suggests that a good portion of the fat in nuts is not even absorbed by your body.

Interestingly, the way walnuts are processed can have a huge impact on the absorption of fatty nutrients.

For example, one study found that the amount of fat produced in the stool was higher for whole peanuts (17.8%) than peanut butter (7%) or peanut oil (4.5%).

Fried walnuts increase their nutrient absorption.

Thus, the absorption of fats and calories from nuts is less likely to be eaten.


Several of the walnut fats are not well absorbed and are instead excreted in the stool. Fat is more likely to be reduced after eating whole nuts.

Walnuts can increase fat and calorie burning

There is some evidence that eating walnuts can increase the number of calories burned at rest.

One study found that participants burned 26% more calories after a nutty diet than a dairy fatty diet.

Another study found that supplying peanut oil for eight weeks resulted in a 5% increase in calorie burn. However, it is only seen in overweight people.

Also, some studies have shown that eating nuts in overweight and obese people can increase fat burning.

However, the results are mixed and more advanced quality studies are needed to confirm the link between nuts and increased calorie burn.


Several studies have shown that eating nuts increase fat and calorie burning in overweight or obese people.


Despite being high in fat and calories, nuts are incredibly healthy.

Eating nuts regularly as part of a healthy diet is not related to weight gain and can even help you lose weight.

But it is important to control your parts. Public health guidelines recommend eating one ounce (28-grams) of walnuts served most days of the week.

For healthier alternatives, choose simple, uninterrupted varieties.

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