Upper Pubic Area Weight Loss and Medical Treatment - Rules our Fitness


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Wednesday 17 February 2021

Upper Pubic Area Weight Loss and Medical Treatment

 Upper Pubic Area Weight Loss and Medical Treatment

Upper Pubic Area Weight Loss and Medical Treatment
This image source by pexels.com

Excess fat right in the middle of your hips and on the top of your pubic bone is sometimes known by the term "FUPA" (fatty upper pubic region). It is also called "paniculus".

Fat can contribute to childbirth, aging, rapid weight loss, and genetics. Fats such as cesarean deliveries can also accumulate hereafter abdominal surgery.

In many cases, having a greasy layer on top of the pubic area is a natural part of their body shape. This may be the only place where excess fat is seen

Losing fat in the upper pubic region can be more challenging than other parts of your body. You can’t “spot-treat” a single area of ​​fat with exercise, but diet and exercise together can help you tune in to your Middle Ages.

Upper Pubic Area Exercises

Combined with calorie deficiency, a regular exercise routine that works the deep abdominal muscles can help reduce fat in this area.

Forward Planck

The front plank tightens your core without straining the weakened muscles in your inner abdomen.

Follow these steps:

Start in the knee position. Close your fist and bring it to the floor

Lift your body up from the floor so that your weight is evenly distributed. Your toes should point, and your body should be perpendicular to the floor. Make sure your abs are tight while maintaining balance in your arms.

If you can, hold this position for 30 seconds or more. Return to starting position and then repeat the movement.

Bicycle crunch

Bicycle crunches can restore strength to your deep core muscles without straining your back.

Follow these steps:

Start with your back flat against the floor and your legs slightly curved. Bring your hands above your head and lift your shoulders slightly off the ground.

Extend one leg straight out and bend the inside of the other leg at a 45 degree angle. With your opposite arm, rotate your body so that your elbow meets almost touching your leg

Repeat on the other hand, switching legs as you repeat the movement.

Extends the legs

Raising the leg can tighten your inner abdominal muscles and create core strength.

Follow these steps:

Start by falling flat on your back with your hands under your hips. Your feet should be drawn together pointing your toes towards the ceiling.

Bring your legs together all the way so that they are at right angles to the floor. Your legs should be stretched and flat.

To make this movement even more challenging, lift your legs up to the ceiling once with your abs.

Gently bring the slippery foot to the floor and repeat the movement.


This step may sound simple but the slower you do it the more effective and challenging it will be.

Follow these steps:

Start by sitting with your legs straight in front of you. Hold your arms straight so that they are parallel to your vision.

Gently roll backwards at once until you are lying on the floor.

Keep your arms straight in front of you, as slowly as you go back to the seat. Repeat the movement.

To make this move even more challenging, add hand weights or weighted bars.

Superman posed

The Superman pose tightens your lower back and your deep abdominal muscles and you can do this while lying down.

Follow these steps:

Start lying on your back with your stomach straight and extend your arms in front of you.

Slowly raise your arms and legs by tightening your core. Hold your feet and arms, and point your toes and toes outwards.

Toggle your arms back and forth in front of and behind your legs. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then bring your legs and arms down. Repeat the movement.


Burpez will boost your heart rate for a calorie-burning cardio boost.

Follow these steps:

Start at a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Carefully descend to the squatting position.

Place your hands on the floor in front of you and quickly move your legs backwards so that you are in a plank position.

Lean on the floor as if you are doing a pushup. Then push back to a board

Bring your legs back to your hands and stand back up. Repeat the movement for as many repetitions as you like.

Pelvic slope

Also known as a "bridge", this exercise works for recovery after a cesarean or vaginal delivery, as it involves not pressing your abs.

Follow these steps:

Begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Gently lower yourself into a squat.

Place your hands on the floor in front of you and quickly move your legs back so that you are in a plank position.

Get on the ground as if you were doing a push-up. Then push back to a board

Put your legs back in your hands and stand up. Repeat the movement as long as you want while standing.

Pelvic earring

Also known as a "bridge," this exercise works for recovery after a cesarean or vaginal delivery, as it involves not pressing on the abdominals.

Follow these steps:

Lie down on the floor behind you. Place your hands behind your head through your ears. Bend your toes toward the ground

To press on your toes and feet, gently lift your belly button toward the ceiling. Tilt your pelvis up so you can feel the tension in your abdomen.

Move your pelvis as high as you can and hold the position. Slowly lower your pelvis back down until your back is flat on the floor. Repeat the movement.

The hundred

One hundred is a classic Pilates step that can help you strengthen your deep core muscles.

Follow these steps:

Begin to lie on your back. If you have manual work, a yoga mat helps.

Lift your chin to your chest and feel your abs underneath you engaged. Lock your elbows and keep your arms straight at your side.

Take a deep breath and lift your legs to a 90 degree angle. Exhale for a count of 100 as you move your arms up and down while keeping your legs in this position.

Repeat the movement if you want.

Lifestyle changes to reduce belly fat

In addition to these specific exercises, lifestyle changes can help you reduce upper pubic fat.

Create a cardio routine

Exercise can help you create calorie deficits that can help you lose weight.

But most exercises that target the upper pubic region aren't great calorie burners. This means that you need to make additional adjustments to your exercise routine to burn fat.

Adding cardiovascular activities like running, swimming, and biking three times a week can help you lose fat faster.

Be aware of what you eat

Weight loss will be followed by constant fatigue and tiredness. It takes about 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat.

In addition to cutting calories in your diet, you may want to avoid foods that cause inflammation. Even if you lose weight and exercise regularly, eating foods that cause inflammation in your body can make it hard to get results.

Avoid or limit large amounts of preservatives, processed grains, white sugar, and dairy products.

Also keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Try to include these 12 foods to lose weight.

De-stress with yoga or meditation

Studies suggest that carrying extra fat in the abdomen can cause stress for some people. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can retain fat in the upper breasts.

Reducing stress can be difficult, but you can manage it with a relaxed routine. You can reduce your stress level by practicing yoga or meditation for a few minutes every day.

Non-invasive methods

There are several non-surgical procedures to consider whether you want to treat the area directly


Coolculturing is a method of freezing and removing fat cells. It is much less invasive than surgery and its goal is to tighten and tune places that are difficult to notice.

Non-surgical fat reduction

The untreated method uses radio frequency and heat therapy devices to compress and melt fat cells.

This treatment requires multiple appointments, and the results are not as significant as the surgical procedure. They are also less aggressive with the risks and side effects of your recovery.

Surgical procedure

If you are not satisfied with the results of exercise, diet and lifestyle changes, there are also surgical treatments available.


A monoplasty procedure is surgery on the genital area, the fatty upper part of the genitals. Removes excess tissue from an exclusive area. This is sometimes called a "public lift."

This treatment can be done for both men and women.


Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery. This treatment usually works best for people closest to their ideal weight but are not happy with the fat level in the abdomen.

Liposuction uses small incisions and suction devices to remove fat from your body.

Abdinoplasty (abdominal baldness)

Abdominal baldness is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat and loose skin from the abdominal region. This procedure is usually performed after a gastric bypass procedure or delivery.

Recovery from abdominal baldness is different for everyone. This is what you need to know.


Paniculectomy is a surgical treatment that removes excess skin from the lower abdomen. Most test takers with this treatment want to leave the skin glowing which can lead to significant weight loss.

It is not a cosmetic procedure, but it can be combined with abdominal baldness.


Trying to lose fat in a specific area of ​​your body can be frustrating. But with patience, practice and lifestyle changes it is possible to tone the upper pubic area.

It may not happen as fast as you want. If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you may want to talk to a doctor if you are not satisfied with your progress.

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