10 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight - Rules our Fitness


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Thursday 18 February 2021

10 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight

 10 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight

No matter what your weight loss goals are, losing weight sometimes seems impossible.

However, losing a few pounds does not have to involve your current diet and complete cleansing of your lifestyle.

In fact, making a few small changes to your morning routine can help you lose weight and keep it off.

This article lists 10 common habits to include in your rules to help you some morning habits to lose weight.

10 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight
This image source by pexels.com

1. Eat a breakfast in protein

There is a good reason to consider breakfast as the most important meal of the day.

What you eat for breakfast can definitely determine the course for the whole day. Decide whether you feel full and satisfied until lunch or go to the vending machine before your mid-morning breakfast.

High protein breakfast helps reduce the habit and lose weight.

In a study of 20 adolescents, eating a protein-rich breakfast reduced post-meal habits more effectively than a typical protein breakfast.

Another small study found that eating a high-protein breakfast was associated with lower fat gain and lower daily intake and appetite than a normal protein breakfast.

Protein The “appetite hormone” responsible for increasing appetite, can help you lose weight by lowering your ghrelin levels.

In fact, a study of 15 men found that a high-protein breakfast suppressed ghrelin secretion more effectively than a high-carbohydrate breakfast.

To get your day off to a good start, consider protein sources like eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, walnuts and chia seeds.


Studies show that a high-protein breakfast helps you lose weight by reducing greed, hunger and secretions.

2. Drink plenty of water

Starting the morning with a glass or two of water is an easy way to increase weight loss.

Water for at least 60 minutes can help increase your energy expenditure or the number of calories burned in your body.

In a small study, drinking 16.9 ounces (500 ml) of water resulted in an average 30% increase in metabolic rate.

Another study found that overweight women who drank more than 34 ounces (one liter) of water per day lost an extra 4.4 pounds (2 kg) a year without any other changes in their diet or exercise routine.

Also, drinking water can reduce some people's appetite and food intake.

A study of 24-year-old adults found that drinking 16.9 ounces (500 ml) of water reduced calorie intake by 13% for breakfast.

In fact, most studies have found that drinking 1 to 2 liters (34 to 68 ounces) of water a day can help you lose weight.

Starting the morning with water and staying well hydrated throughout the day is a great way to increase weight loss with minimal effort.


Increased water intake is associated with weight loss and energy expenditure as well as decreased appetite and food intake.

3. Make your own weight

Stepping on the scale every morning and weighing yourself can be an effective way to increase motivation and improve self-control.

Several studies have linked daily weight loss to weight loss.

For example, a study of 47 people found that those who lost weight each day lost about 13 pounds (6 kg) more in six months than those who lost less weight than

Another study found that adults who weighed an average of 9 .. 9. pounds (4.4 kg) daily over a two-year period, while those who weighed once a month gained 4.6 pounds (2, 1 kg). Make.

Weighing yourself each morning can also help you with healthy habits and behaviors that can promote weight loss.

In a large study, frequent self-weight gain was associated with better support. Additionally, those who frequently stopped weighing themselves were more likely to have higher calorie intake and decreased self-discipline.

For best results, consider yourself properly when you wake up. Drink after using the bathroom and before eating anything.

Also, keep in mind that your weight can fluctuate every day and be affected by a variety of factors. Focus on the big picture and look for weight loss trends instead of focusing on small changes every day.


Studies have shown that daily own weight may be associated with excessive weight loss and greater moderation.

4. Get some sun

Opening the screen for some sun exposure or spending a few more minutes outside each morning can help you start losing weight.

A small study found that exposure to moderate levels of light at certain times of the day can have an effect on weight.

Additionally, an animal study found that exposure to ultraviolet radiation helped feed the rats high-fat foods to suppress weight gain.

Exposure to sunlight is the best way to meet your vitamin D needs. Studies have shown that meeting your vitamin D needs can help you lose weight and even prevent weight gain.

One study found that 218 overweight and obese women took a vitamin D supplement or placebo for one year. At the end of the study, those who met their vitamin D requirements lost an average of 7 pounds (3.2 kg) more than their inadequate blood levels of vitamin D.

Another study followed 4.65659 older women over a four-year period and found that high levels of vitamin D were associated with less weight gain.

The amount of sun exposure you need can vary based on your skin type, condition, and location. However, leaving it in the sunlight or sitting outside for 10-15 minutes every morning can have beneficial effects on weight loss.


Sun exposure can affect weight. Sunlight can help you meet your vitamin D needs, which can help you lose weight and prevent weight gain.

5. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is an exercise that involves focusing completely on the present moment and awareness on your thoughts and feelings.

The practice has been shown to increase weight loss and promote healthy eating habits.

For example, an analysis of 19 studies found that mindfulness-based interventions increased weight loss and decreased obesity-related eating behavior.

Another review had a similar search, noting that mindfulness training reviews resulted in significant weight loss in 687%.

Mindfulness is easy to practice. To begin, try connecting with your senses by sitting comfortably in a quiet place for five minutes each morning.


Some studies have shown that mindfulness can promote weight loss and promote healthy eating behaviors.

6. Get some exercise

Getting some physical activity in the first thing in the morning helps to increase weight loss.

A study of 50 overweight women measured the effects of aerobic exercise at different times of the day.

For those who did not notice too much difference in the craving for certain foods between morning and afternoon practitioners, morning exercise was associated with higher levels of satiety.

Exercising in the morning can also help keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Low blood sugar can cause many negative symptoms, including excessive appetite.

A study of 35 people with type 1 diabetes found that good morning exercise was associated with better blood sugar control.

However, these studies focus on a very specific population and show an association rather than causation. More research is needed on the effects of morning practice on the general population.


Some studies have shown that exercising in the morning can be associated with greater satisfaction and better blood sugar control.

7. Pack your lunch

Trying to plan and prepare your lunch in advance can be an easy way to make good food choices and lose weight.

A large study involving 40,554 people found that diet plans were associated with better diet quality, more variety in diet, and a reduced risk of obesity.

Another study found that more frequently cooked foods were associated with better diet quality and the risk of losing excess body fat.

In fact, those who ate home-cooked food at least five times a week were 26% less likely to gain weight than those who ate only home-cooked food three times a week or less.

Try to plan your meals and set aside a few hours one night a week, so that in the morning you can catch your lunch and go out.


Studies show that meal planning and home-cooked meals are associated with better dietary standards and a lower risk of obesity.

8. Get more sleep

Sleeping a little longer or getting a little more sleep can help increase weight loss by setting the alarm clock later.

Several studies have shown that lack of sleep can be associated with increased appetite.

A small study found that sleep restriction increases appetite and cravings, especially for foods high in sugars and calories.

Lack of sleep has also been linked to an increase in calorie intake.

In one study, 12 participants consumed an average of 555 more calories after just four hours of sleep than the full eight hours.

Eating right and exercising as well as a healthy sleep schedule is an important component of weight loss. To maximize your results, try getting at least eight hours of sleep a night.


Studies show that lack of sleep increases appetite and cravings as well as calorie intake.

9. Change your trip

Driving can be one of the most convenient ways to exercise, but it may not be as good for your waistline.

Studies show that walking, biking, or using public transportation can reduce body weight and reduce the risk of weight gain.

A survey followed 622 people over a four-year period and found that car passengers gained more weight than non-car passengers.

Similarly, a study involving 15,777 people found that active modes of public transportation or transportation, such as walking or biking, were associated with a relatively low body mass index and body fat percentage compared to transportation. private.

Changing your itinerary several times a week is an easy way to increase weight loss.


Walking, biking, and using public transportation are associated with less weight gain and loss and loss of body fat than working on foot.

10. Start tracking your Intake

Keeping a food diary to keep track of what you eat can be an effective way to increase your weight loss and stay accountable.

One study looked at weight loss in 123 people over a year and found that completing a diet diary was associated with a greater amount of weight loss.

Another study found that participants regularly used a tracking system to self-monitor their diet and exercise compared to those who did not use the tracking system regularly.

Similarly, a study of 220 obese women found that frequent and regular use of a self-management tool helps improve long-term weight control.

Try using an app or even a pencil and paper to record what you eat and drink, starting with the first meal of your first day.


Studies have shown that using a food diary to keep track of your intake can help you lose weight.


Making a few small changes to your morning routine can be an easy and effective way to increase weight loss.

Practicing healthy behaviors in the morning can start your day off on the right foot and set you up for success.

For best results, be sure to combine this morning habit with a circular diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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