14 Simple Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau - Rules our Fitness


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Thursday 18 February 2021

14 Simple Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

 14 Simple Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Achieving your ideal weight can be difficult.

Although at first the weight comes down quite quickly, at one stage it seems your weight doesn’t give way.

This inability to lose weight is known as weight loss stagnation or stagnation, and it can be frustrating and discouraging.

However, several strategies can help you lose weight again. 

Here are 14 tips for breaking the weight loss plateau.

14 Simple Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau
This image source by pexels.com

1. Cut out carbohydrates

Research has confirmed that a low-carb diet is highly effective for weight loss.

In fact, a huge review of 13 studies with at least a year-long follow-up found that people who ate 50 grams or less of sugar per day lost more weight than those who followed the traditional diet.

Reducing the amount of carb intake you have can help you get your weight back on track when you're stuck in a trance.

The question of whether limiting carbohydrates leads to metabolic benefits that cause your body to burn more calories “continues to be debated among nutritionists and obesity experts.

Some controlled studies have shown that very low carbohydrate diets increase fat burning and raise other metabolic changes that promote weight loss, while other studies have not shown this effect.

However, very low carbohydrate diets have been shown to consistently reduce appetite and promote a feeling of fullness more than other diets. Additionally, these produce ketones in your body, which have been shown to reduce your appetite.

It can lead you to become unconscious and eat less, making it easier for you to lose weight again without hunger or discomfort.


Studies have shown that a low-carbohydrate diet helps control appetite, feel fuller, and promotes long-term weight loss.

2. Increase the frequency or intensity of the exercise

Accelerating your exercise routine can help reverse the weight loss plateau.

This is because, unfortunately, your metabolic rate slows down as you lose weight.

A study involving more than 2,900 people found that they lost weight per pound (0.45 kg), burning an average of 6.8 fewer calories on average.

Progressive decrease in metabolic rate along with weight loss can make continued weight loss very difficult.

The good news is that exercise has been shown to help prevent these effects.

Prevention training encourages muscle mass retention, which is a major factor in how many calories you burn during activity and rest. In fact, prevention training seems to be the most effective type of exercise for weight loss.

In a 12-week study, young, obese women who followed a low-calorie diet and gained weight every day for 20 minutes lost an average of 13 pounds (5.9 kg) and 2 inches (5 centimeters) from their waist.

Other types of physical activity have also been shown to protect against metabolic depression, including aerobic exercise and high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT).

If you are already exercising, exercising one or two more days a week or increasing the intensity of your workout can help increase your metabolic rate.


Exercise, especially strength training, helps to offset the metabolic rate drop that occurs during weight loss.

3. Track what you eat

Sometimes it seems that you are not eating as much, but the problem is losing weight

In general, the researchers found that people tend to reduce the amount of food they eat.

In one study, obese people reported consuming around 1,200 calories a day. However, a detailed analysis of their intake over a 14-day period showed that they were actually spending almost twice the average amount.

Looking up your calories and macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) can provide accurate information on how much you are consuming, allowing you to change your diet if necessary.

Additionally, research suggests that just tracking your food intake can boost your weight loss efforts.

Here is a review of several easy-to-use apps and websites to keep track of your nutritional intake.


Tracking your calorie and macronutrient intake can give you responsibility and help you see if you need to make some dietary adjustments to start losing weight again.

4. Don't eat protein

If weight loss is stopped, increasing your protein intake may help.

First, protein increases metabolism more than fat or carbohydrates.

This should be done with an increase in metabolism that occurs due to the thermic effect of food (TEF) or the digestion of food. Protein digestion increases calorie burning by 20-30%, which is twice that of fat or carbohydrates.

In one study, young, healthy women followed diets that provided 30% or 15% of calories from protein on two separate days. Your metabolic rate doubled after a protein-rich meal on a day.

Second, protein stimulates the production of hormones like PYY that reduce appetite and help you feel full and satisfied.

Additionally, high protein intake helps protect against dietary muscle loss and loss of metabolic rate that occur during weight loss.


Increasing your protein intake can help counteract weight loss by increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, and preventing extensive muscle damage.

5. Manage stress

Stress can often slow down weight loss.

In addition to promoting comfortable eating and triggering eating habits, it also increases your body's production of cortisol.

Cortisol is known as the "stress hormone." Although it helps your body respond to stress, it can also increase belly fat storage. Also, this effect appears to be stronger in women.

Therefore, excess cortisol production can make weight loss very difficult.

It may seem like you have little control over the stress in your life, but research has shown that learning to manage stress can promote weight loss.

In an eight-week study of overweight and obese women, a stress management program that included muscle relaxation and deep breathing resulted in an average weight loss of 9.7 pounds (4.4 kg).


The increased cortisol production associated with stress can interfere with weight loss. Stress reduction strategies can help promote weight loss.

6. Try fasting occasionally

Sometimes fasting has become very popular.

It usually involves going a long time without eating, usually between 16 and 48 hours.

Exercise is credited with promoting weight loss and body fat loss, among other health benefits.

Several studies of intermittent fasting have shown that it results in a 3-8% weight loss in 3-28 weeks and a 3-7% reduction in waist circumference.

Alternative day fasting is a type of intermittent fasting in which people alternate between eating very few calories one day and eating as many as they want the next day.

One review found that this eating method helps protect against muscle loss rather than restricting daily calories.

To learn about the six different methods of occasional fasting, read this article.


Occasional fasting helps you consume fewer calories, maintain muscle mass, and save your metabolic rate during weight loss.

7. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol can frustrate your weight loss efforts.

Although alcoholic beverages (4 ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of hard wine, or 12 ounces of beer) contain about 100 calories, they do not provide nutritional value. Also, drink multiple drinks at the same time.

Another problem is that alcohols loosen prohibitions, which can lead to excessive drinking or bad food choices. This can be especially problematic for those who are trying to overcome emotional behaviors related to food.

A study of 283 adults who have completed a behavioral weight loss program found that reducing alcohol intake leads to excessive weight loss and weight loss in people with high levels of emotion.

Furthermore, studies have shown that alcohol suppresses fat burning and can lead to the accumulation of belly fat.

If your weight loss is suspended, it is best to avoid alcohol or just occasionally take small amounts of it.


Alcohol can interfere with weight loss by providing empty calories, increasing excessive amounts and increasing abdominal fat storage.

8. Eat more fiber

Incorporating more fiber into your diet can help you cross the plateau of weight loss.

This is especially true for soluble fibers, which are soluble in water or liquids.

For starters, soluble fiber slows the movement of food through your digestive tract which can help you feel full and satisfied.

Although research suggests that all types of fiber may be beneficial for weight loss, a large review of several studies found that a soluble fiber known as smooth fiber was most effective for appetite and food intake.

Another way that fiber can help you lose weight is by reducing the amount of calories you consume from other foods.

Based on a study looking at the absorption of calories in different amounts of fiber in the diet, the researchers estimated that consuming 18 to 36 grams of daily fiber can result in 130 fewer calories from a mixed diet.


Fiber promotes weight loss by slowing the movement of food through your digestive system, reducing your appetite, and reducing the amount of calories your body absorbs from food.

9. Drink water, coffee, or tea

While sugary drinks lead to weight gain, some soft drinks can help with weight loss. Studies have shown that plain water can increase your metabolism by 24-30% for 1.5 hours after serving 17 ounces.

This can translate into weight loss over time, especially for those who drink water before meals, which can help reduce food intake.

In a 12-week study of older adults following a weight-loss diet, the group that did not drink water before meals lost 44% more weight than the group that did not.

Coffee and tea can also benefit your weight loss efforts.

These drinks usually contain caffeine which has been shown to increase fat burning and increase metabolism by up to 13%. However, these effects seem to be stronger in thinner people.

In addition, green tea contains an antioxidant known as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which in one study increased fat burning by 17%.

In addition, research suggests that caffeinated beverages may significantly increase the metabolism and fat-burning effects of exercise.


Drinking water, coffee or tea can increase your metabolism and help you lose weight. Caffeine and ECG have been shown to promote fat burning.

10. Spread the amount of protein throughout the day.

When it comes to protein, it's not just about your total diet on the important days.

Eating protein throughout the day gives you several opportunities to increase your metabolism through the thermal effects of food (TEF).

There is also a lot of research indicating that consuming protein with every meal is beneficial for weight loss and muscle retention.

Protein metabolism experts recommend that adults consume a minimum of 20-30 grams of protein per meal based on three meals a day.

Here's a list of 20 delicious, high-protein foods that can help you reach this goal.


To increase your metabolism rate and promote weight loss, include at least 20 grams of protein with each meal.

11. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for good mental, emotional and physical health.

It has become even more obvious that not getting enough sleep reduces your metabolic rate and can lead to weight gain by changing hormone levels for appetite and fat storage.

In fact, not getting enough sleep can be a helpful factor in consistent weight loss.

One study found that healthy adults who slept four hours a night for five consecutive nights had an average 2.6% reduction in resting metabolic rate, which returned to baseline levels after 12 hours of sleep.

To support weight loss and overall health, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.


Inadequate sleep can interfere with weight loss by reducing your metabolism and changing your hormone levels to promote appetite and fat storage.

12. Be as active as possible

While exercising is important, there are other factors that can affect how you burn calories each day.

For example, your metabolic rate increases in response to restlessness, changes in posture, and similar physical activity.

This type of activity is known as a source of anti-practical activity thermogenesis or NEAT.

Studies have shown that NEAT can have a big impact on your metabolic rate, although the amount varies significantly from person to person.

One study found that, compared to people lying down, the metabolic rates of seated humans increased by an average of 54% during feeding while sitting and a total increase of 94% when feeding while standing.

An easy way to increase your NEAT is to stand up frequently using a standing desk.

Another study found that people burn an average of about 200 additional calories while sitting without participating in their afternoon workday.


Increasing your daily physical activity without exercise can increase your metabolic rate and help promote weight loss.

13. Eat vegetables at every meal

Vegetables are the ideal food to lose weight.

Most vegetables are low in calories and carbohydrates, high in fiber, and rich in nutrients.

In fact, studies have shown that a diet rich in vegetables leads to the most weight loss.

Unfortunately, many people don't get enough of these weight loss-friendly foods.

However, it's easy to cook or add a serving of raw vegetables, tomatoes, or other veggies to any meal, including breakfast.

Here is a list of healthy low-carb veggies to include in meals.


Vegetables are rich in important nutrients but low in calories and carbohydrates. Incorporating them into all diets can help you offset the weight loss plateau.

14. Don’t just rely on the scale

When trying to lose weight, taking steps to scale is probably a part of your daily routine.

However, it is important to realize that scale reading may not accurately reflect your progress, such as changes in your body composition.

Instead of losing weight, your goal is to lose fat. If you exercise regularly, you can build muscle that is less fat and takes up less space in your body.

So if the weight of the scale does not run, you can build muscle and lose fat, but maintain a stable weight.

Also, you can retain water for a variety of reasons, including dietary choices. However, the most common cause involves changes in hormone levels that affect fluid balance, especially in women.

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to help you lose weight.

Also, instead of just focusing on the scale, evaluate how you feel and how your clothes fit Assess It is a good idea to measure yourself monthly to help you stay motivated when your weight loss seems to have stabilized.


The weight of your scale may not reflect the loss of body fat, especially if you exercise or experience fluid retention. Evaluate how you are feeling, how your clothes fit and if your measurements have changed.


The plateau of weight loss can turn into frustration and despair.

However, these are a common part of the weight loss process. In fact, almost everyone experiences stagnation at some point in their weight loss journey.

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can follow to lose weight again and safely reach your ideal weight.

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