Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss - Rules our Fitness


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Monday 15 February 2021

Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

 Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

There are tips for losing weight on the Internet.

It is mostly unproven or has been shown not to work.

Here are the 12 biggest lies, myths, and misconceptions about weight loss.

Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss
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1. All calories are equal

Calories are a measure of energy. All calories have the same energy content.

However, this does not mean that all sources of calories have the same effect on your weight.

Different foods go through different metabolic pathways and can have a great effect on the hormones that control appetite and body weight.

For example, a calorie from protein is not like calories from fat or carbohydrates.

Replacing carbohydrates and fats with protein can boost your metabolism and reduce appetite and habits while optimizing the effectiveness of some weight-control hormones.

Also, whole foods, like fruits, contain many more calories than sweets.


Not all sources of calories have the same effect on your health and weight. For example, proteins can increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and improve the effectiveness of weight-regulating hormones.

2. Weight loss is a linear process

Losing weight is not usually a linear process, as some people think.

Some days and weeks can make you lose weight, others can buy you some time.

This is not a cause for concern. It is normal for bodyweight to go up and down a few pounds.

For example, you have more food in your digestive system or you have more water than usual.

This is even more apparent in women, as water weight can fluctuate significantly during yeast infection.

As long as the general trend does not go down, you can lose weight in the long term without fluctuating.


It can take a long time to lose weight. The process is generally not linear, because its weight fluctuates a bit.

3. Supplements can help you lose weight

The weight loss supplement industry is extensive.

Several organizations claim that their supplements have dramatic effects, but they are rarely effective during study.

The main reason some people do complementary work is the placebo effect. People fall for marketing strategies and want supplements that help them lose weight, so they are more aware of what they eat.

That said, some supplements have a moderate effect on weight loss. The best ones can help you lose weight for months.


Most supplements are ineffective for weight loss. The best ones can help you lose most of your weight.

4. Obesity is about willpower, not biology

It is not wrong to say that your weight is related to willpower.

Obesity is a complex disorder that contributes to hundreds if not more.

Numerous genetic variables are associated with obesity and various medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and depression can increase your risk of weight gain.

Your body has a myriad of hormones and biological pathways that are thought to control body weight. These tend to be ineffective in obese people, leading to more problems with weight loss and keeping it off.

For example, resistance to the hormone leptin is one of the leading causes of obesity.

The leptin signal is supposed to tell your brain that you have enough fat. However, if you are leptin resistant, your brain thinks you are starving.

Trying to exercise willpower in the face of leptin-driven starvation signals and trying to eat less is incredibly difficult.

Of course, this does not mean that people should give up and accept their genetic destination. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.


Obesity is a very complex disorder. There are many genetic, biological and environmental factors that affect body weight. As such, losing weight is not just about willpower.

5. Eat less, move more

Body fat is simply stored in energy.

To lose fat you need to burn more calories than you eat.

For this reason, it seems logical that eating less and running more leads to weight loss.

This tip works in theory, especially if you are making a permanent lifestyle change but it is a bad proposition for people with serious weight problems.

Most people who follow this advice end up losing weight due to physiological and biochemical factors.

It takes a big and sustainable change in attitude and behavior to lose weight with diet and exercise. It is not enough to limit your intake of food and engage in more physical activities.

Just telling someone with obesity to eat less and take more action is like encouraging someone who is depressed or telling someone who is drunk to drink less.


It is ineffective to tell people with weight problems to eat less and move more, which rarely works in the long run.

6. Carbohydrates make you fat

A low carbohydrate diet can help you lose weight.

In many cases it also occurs without conscious calorie limitation. As long as you keep your sugar intake low and your protein intake high, you will lose weight.

Yet this does not mean that carbohydrates cause weight gain. With the onset of the obesity epidemic in the 1980s, people have been consuming carbohydrates for a long time.

In fact, whole foods high in sugar are very healthy.

On the other hand, refined sugars like refined grains and sugar are certainly associated with weight gain.


A low carbohydrate diet is very effective for weight loss. However, carbohydrates are not the cause of obesity in the first place. Single-ingredient carbohydrates Whole foods are incredibly healthy.

7. Fat makes you fat

Fat provides about 9 calories per gram, compared to just 4 calories per gram for carbohydrates or proteins.

Fat is high in calories and is common in junk food. But as long as your calorie intake is within a healthy range, fat is not fattening.

Also, numerous studies have shown that diet is high in fat but low in sugar which leads to weight loss.

Unhealthy, high-calorie junk food will definitely make you fat when you pack your packs with fatty foods, these macronutrients are not the only culprits.

In fact, your body needs healthy fats to function properly.


Fat is often blamed for the epidemic of obesity. Although it contributes to your total calorie intake, fat alone does not cause weight gain.

8. You need to eat breakfast to lose weight

Studies show that those who skip breakfast weigh more than they eat breakfast.

However, this is probably because those who eat breakfast are more likely to lead other healthy lifestyles.

In fact, a 4-month study of 309 adults compared breakfast habits, and whether participants ate or skipped breakfast had no effect on weight.

It is also a myth that breakfast stimulates your metabolism and that eating several small meals allows you to burn more calories throughout the day.

It is best to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Eat breakfast if you want, but don't expect it to have a great effect on your weight.


While it's true that breakfast captains tend to be overweight instead of eating breakfast, controlled studies show that skipping meals or breakfast is not important for weight loss.

9. Fast food is always greasy

Not all fast food is unhealthy.

Many fast-food chains have started offering healthier alternatives due to increased awareness of human health.

Some chipotles even pay exclusive attention to serving healthy food.

You can find something relatively healthy in most restaurants. Most cheap fast-food restaurants tend to offer healthier options for their main offerings.

These foods may not meet the needs of all health-conscious individuals, but they are still a decent option if you don't have the time or energy to cook healthy foods.


Fast food should not be unhealthy or greasy. Most fast-food chains offer healthy options for their main offerings.

10. The diet to lose weight works

The weight loss industry wants you to believe that diets work.

However, studies show that the diet rarely works in the long term. Significantly, 85% of dieters gain weight again within a year.

Also, studies indicate that dieters are more likely to gain weight in the future.

So dieting is not a reduction, it is a continuous prediction of future weight gain.

The truth is, you probably shouldn't lose weight on your diet. Instead, make it a goal to make a lasting change in your life and be a healthy, happy, and fit person.

If you plan to increase your activity level, eat healthier, and sleep better, you should lose weight as a natural side effect. Dieting may not work in the long term.


Regardless of what you believe in the weight loss industry, dieting is rarely effective. It is better to change your lifestyle than to switch from one diet to another in the hope of losing weight.

11. Obese people are unhealthy and thin people are healthy

It is true that obesity increases your risk for several chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

However, a large number of obese people are metabolically healthy, and a large number of lean people have the same chronic disease.

It seems that your fat is increasing. If you have a lot of fat in your abdomen, you are at risk of metabolic disorders.


Obesity is associated with a number of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. However, many obese people are metabolically healthy and many lean people are not.

12. Diet foods can help you lose weight

Much junk food is marketed as healthy.

Examples include low-fat, fat-free, and processed gluten-free foods, as well as beverages high in sugar.

You should be skeptical of any health claims on food packaging, especially processed products. These tags are usually present for fraud, not reported.

Some junk food vendors will encourage you to buy their fatty junk food. In fact, if the packaging of a food tells you that it is healthy, there is a possibility that it is the opposite.


Products marketed as diet foods are often junk food in disguise as they are processed in large quantities and can take refuge in hidden ingredients.


If you are trying to lose weight, you may have heard many stories of the same story. You might even believe some of them because it’s hard to avoid in Western culture.

Significantly, most of these myths are false.

Instead, the relationship between food, your body and your weight is very complex.

If you are interested in losing weight, try to learn about the evidence-based changes you can make in your diet and lifestyle.

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